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Tibetan Government-in-Exile Plans New Map to Counter China’s Renaming Tactics

Tibetan Government-in-Exile Plans New Map to Counter China’s Renaming Tactics

Tibetan Government-in-Exile Plans New Map to Counter China’s Renaming Tactics

Penpa Tsering, the President of the Tibetan Government-in-Exile

The Central Tibetan Administration, based in Dharamshala, India, is planning to create a new map to counter China’s strategy of renaming places in Tibet. The Chinese government has been changing the names of major places in Tibet to gradually erase their identity. To combat this, the Tibetan government-in-exile will draw up a map with Tibetan names based on historical records.

Penpa Tsering’s Statement

Penpa Tsering, the President of the Central Tibetan Administration, said, “We are preparing to draw up a map with the Tibetan names and it is yet to begin, it’s still in the drawing room. It will take maybe six months to one year to develop this.”

Support from Tibetan Activists

Gompo Dhondup, President of the Tibetan Youth Congress, praised this strategy. He stated, “For many years, the Chinese government has tried to misinterpret history, they try to fool the global community with their propaganda but this is a high time for us to counter the Chinese propaganda and to fight for truth and justice.”

The new map aims to counter China’s baseless claims and aggressive tactics in renaming places and territories in the Himalayan regions.

Historical Context

Tibet’s cartographic history began with maps published by Western countries in the 17th and 18th centuries. The first effort to demarcate Tibetan territories was during the Shimla Convention of 1914. After the establishment of the Tibetan exile administration, various attempts were made to standardize the Tibetan map.

The recent passing of the Resolve Tibet Act by the US Congress has also ignited hope for the Tibetan freedom movement. Tibetans believe that China cannot change history and erase a civilization.

Doubts Revealed

Tibetan Government-in-Exile -: This is a group of Tibetan leaders who live outside Tibet and work to represent the interests of Tibetan people. They are based in Dharamshala, India.

Dharamshala -: A city in India where the Central Tibetan Administration is located. It is also known for being the home of the Dalai Lama.

China’s Renaming Tactics -: This refers to China’s efforts to change the names of places in Tibet to Chinese names, which is seen as a way to assert control over the region.

Central Tibetan Administration -: This is the official name of the Tibetan Government-in-Exile. They work to preserve Tibetan culture and seek freedom for Tibet.

President Penpa Tsering -: He is the current leader of the Central Tibetan Administration. He works to represent the Tibetan people and their interests.

Gompo Dhondup -: A Tibetan activist who supports the creation of the new map to counter China’s actions.

Cartographic history -: This refers to the history of map-making. Tibet has a long history of creating maps, dating back to the 17th century.

US legislation -: Laws passed by the United States government. Recently, some laws have been passed that give hope to Tibetans for more freedom.
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