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Tibetan Centre Urges China to Reveal Whereabouts of Detained Tibetans in Ngaba

Tibetan Centre Urges China to Reveal Whereabouts of Detained Tibetans in Ngaba

Tibetan Centre Demands Answers on Detained Tibetans

Urgent Call for Information

The Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD) has called on Chinese authorities to disclose the location of four Tibetans detained in Ngaba, Sichuan Province. The individuals, including monks Lobsang Samten and Lobsang Trinley from Kirti Monastery, were detained in early September without any information on their whereabouts or charges.

Background on the Detained

Lobsang Samten, 53, has been a monk since childhood and is a student in the Karampa class. He previously faced detention in 2011. Lobsang Trinley, known as Drenpo, is involved in organizing rituals at Kirti Monastery. Siblings Wangkyi, 43, and Tsering Tashi, 41, are from the Haritsang family, with reports suggesting their arrest may be linked to contacts in India.

Increased Repression

Repression in Ngaba has intensified, with arbitrary detentions and secret sentencing becoming frequent. Local Tibetans face intimidation, making it hard for information to emerge. Even released detainees are barred from sharing details of their detention.

Broader Context

This incident follows the closure of two Buddhist monastery schools in July, affecting 1,600 novice monks. This is part of a campaign to assimilate Tibetan culture into the dominant Han Chinese culture.

Call for Action

TCHRD urges Chinese authorities to stop arbitrary detentions and provide information on the detained Tibetans. The organization also calls on the international community to advocate for Tibetan rights.

Doubts Revealed

Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy -: This is an organization that works to protect and promote human rights for Tibetan people. They focus on issues like freedom, justice, and equality for Tibetans.

Ngaba -: Ngaba is a region in Sichuan Province, China, where many Tibetan people live. It is known for its Tibetan culture and monasteries.

Kirti Monastery -: Kirti Monastery is a famous Tibetan Buddhist monastery located in Ngaba. It is an important religious and cultural center for Tibetans.

Arbitrary arrests -: Arbitrary arrests mean people are taken into custody without any clear reason or legal process. It is often done by authorities to control or punish people.

Secret sentencing -: Secret sentencing is when people are given punishments or jail time without a public trial or clear explanation. It is usually done in a way that is hidden from the public.

International support -: International support means getting help or backing from other countries or global organizations. It is often sought to bring attention to issues and pressure authorities to make changes.
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