Terror Attack at Allenby Bridge Crossing: Three Israelis Killed, Crossing Closed for Inspections

Terror Attack at Allenby Bridge Crossing: Three Israelis Killed, Crossing Closed for Inspections

Terror Attack at Allenby Bridge Crossing

Three Israelis Killed, Crossing Closed for Inspections

In Tel Aviv, Israel, a terrorist attack occurred at the Allenby Bridge crossing from Jordan. The manager, Alex Chen, confirmed that the crossing has been closed for inspections until further notice.

Earlier today, a terrorist approached the area in a truck, exited the vehicle, and opened fire on Israelis, killing three Israeli civilians. The terrorist was neutralized by a security guard from the Israel Airports Authority at the scene.

IDF soldiers have been deployed to the scene and are investigating the possibility that the truck was rigged with explosives. Further updates on the reopening of the crossing and the investigation will follow as the situation develops.

Doubts Revealed

Terrorist attack -: A terrorist attack is when someone uses violence to scare people and cause harm. They do this to make others afraid and to get attention for their cause.

Allenby Bridge crossing -: The Allenby Bridge crossing is a place where people can travel between Jordan and Israel. It’s like a big gate between the two countries.

Israeli civilians -: Israeli civilians are regular people who live in Israel. They are not soldiers or police, just everyday people like you and me.

Neutralized -: Neutralized means that the security guard stopped the terrorist from causing more harm. This usually means the terrorist was captured or killed.

IDF soldiers -: IDF stands for Israel Defense Forces. These are the soldiers who protect Israel and its people.

Explosives -: Explosives are materials that can cause big explosions. They are very dangerous and can hurt people and damage buildings.

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