Tauqeer Gilani Criticizes Pakistani Administration for Denying Rights in Pakistan-Occupied Jammu and Kashmir

Tauqeer Gilani Criticizes Pakistani Administration for Denying Rights in Pakistan-Occupied Jammu and Kashmir

Public Conference in Muzzafarabad Highlights Rights Issues in PoJK

Local Leader Tauqeer Gilani Speaks Out

In Muzzafarabad, a public conference was held where local leaders from Pakistan-Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK) criticized the Pakistani administration. Tauqeer Gilani, a prominent local leader, spoke about the denial of basic human and democratic rights to the people of PoJK for over 70 years.

Denial of Basic Rights

Gilani stated, “We live in a place where the most basic rights of democracy are not given to us. We are not given the right to express our opinion, which is the foremost right in democracy. Even today we don’t have the freedom we deserve, our opinion is not free, our administration is not free, and our vote is not free.”

Manipulated Elections

He also mentioned that elections and votes are manipulated, with fake votes being cast and polling stations being distributed to influence outcomes. “We the general public of PoJK, know and witness, how elections and votes are manipulated. We know how the fake votes of kids, old people, and even dead people are cast during every election,” he added.

Suppression of Voices

Gilani criticized the suppression of voices and the inability to speak out against those who misuse resources. He questioned why peaceful protests by locals are labeled as anti-establishment while top leaders can organize large rallies. “If these people are allowed to protest then why are we despite being peaceful called anti-establishment agents?” he asked.

Doubts Revealed

Tauqeer Gilani -: Tauqeer Gilani is a local leader from Pakistan-Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK). He speaks out about issues affecting the people in that region.

Pakistani Administration -: The Pakistani Administration refers to the government and officials who run Pakistan. They make decisions and enforce laws in the country.

Pakistan-Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK) -: Pakistan-Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK) is a region that both India and Pakistan claim. It is currently controlled by Pakistan.

Muzzafarabad -: Muzzafarabad is a city in Pakistan-Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK). It is the capital of this region.

Basic human and democratic rights -: Basic human and democratic rights include things like freedom of speech, the right to vote in fair elections, and the ability to protest peacefully.

Freedom of expression -: Freedom of expression means being able to say what you think without being punished. It is an important part of democracy.

Manipulated elections -: Manipulated elections are elections that are unfair or rigged. This means the results are changed to favor certain people or groups.

Suppression of voices -: Suppression of voices means stopping people from speaking out or sharing their opinions. This can happen through threats, violence, or other means.

Anti-establishment -: Anti-establishment refers to being against the current government or ruling system. Peaceful protests labeled as anti-establishment are often seen as a threat by those in power.

Rallies -: Rallies are large gatherings of people, often organized to show support for a cause or leader. They can be peaceful or sometimes lead to protests.

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