Taiwanese Singer Panai Kusui Remembers Tiananmen Square at Golden Melody Awards

Taiwanese Singer Panai Kusui Remembers Tiananmen Square at Golden Melody Awards

Taiwanese Singer Panai Kusui Remembers Tiananmen Square at Golden Melody Awards

During the Golden Melody Awards ceremony, Taiwanese singer and activist Panai Kusui made a powerful statement against China. In her acceptance speech, she urged the audience to remember the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, where hundreds, possibly over a thousand, pro-democracy protesters were killed.

Panai noted that the awards were celebrating their 35th year, which also marked the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square incident. She emphasized, “Let’s not forget.” She also pointed out that China’s censorship of her remarks has instead highlighted Taiwan’s value of freedom. “The value of freedom can be felt at this moment,” she said. “I hope everyone will cherish what we have now.”

Meanwhile, Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defence (MND) reported increased Chinese military activity around Taiwan. From 6 am Saturday to 6 am Sunday, five Chinese military aircraft and seven naval vessels were operating around Taiwan. Five of these aircraft entered Taiwan’s Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ). In response, Taiwanese armed forces monitored the situation and took appropriate actions.

This incident is part of a series of provocations by China in recent months, as Beijing continues to assert its claim over Taiwan, which it considers a part of its territory.

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