Taiwan Warns About Unsafe Wax Candies from China

Taiwan Warns About Unsafe Wax Candies from China

Taiwan Warns About Unsafe Wax Candies from China

Taipei [Taiwan], September 20: Taiwan’s Health Ministry has expressed concern over wax candies imported from China and sold online in the country. These candies, known as ‘wax bottle candy,’ have gained popularity but often lack proper ingredient labels and necessary permits.

Health Risks and Legal Issues

Deputy Health Minister Lin Ching-yi stated that consuming these candies could pose health risks and selling them without proper approval is illegal. The Ministry has urged consumers to prioritize their health and safety by being vigilant about the products they choose, especially those from questionable suppliers.

Investigation and Warnings

Lin has instructed the Food and Drug Administration to investigate these Chinese candy products. She emphasized that any violations will be addressed according to the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation and Regulations Governing Trade between the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area.

Based on early discussions and seller descriptions, the candy’s outer layer appears to be made of wax, while the inside contains jam or syrup. However, Lin expressed skepticism about the authenticity of the jam, suggesting it may be a processed product with artificial flavors or coloring.

Concerns for Children

Lin highlighted that some parents are worried about these candies being sold near schools, which could endanger children. She noted that tracing online sellers could be challenging and urged the public to report any such incidents to local health authorities.

Food Safety and Consumer Caution

Lin pointed out the difficulty in ascertaining whether these foods contain harmful heavy metals or illegal additives. She advised consumers to be cautious before making purchases to prevent health and financial risks.

On Facebook, Lin commented that Taiwan has a wide range of delicious, fresh seasonal foods that comply with food safety and traceability standards. She questioned why anyone would need to buy wax and colored syrups from China, which have food safety concerns.

Lin also raised doubts about the availability of cheap beeswax for snack production, given the sharp decline in honey production in recent years.

Doubts Revealed

Taiwan -: Taiwan is an island country in East Asia, near China. It has its own government and is known for its technology and food.

Wax Candies -: Wax candies are sweets that have a shiny, waxy coating. They can look pretty but might not always be safe to eat.

Health Ministry -: The Health Ministry is a part of the government that makes sure people stay healthy by checking food, medicines, and hospitals.

Deputy Health Minister -: The Deputy Health Minister is a high-ranking official in the Health Ministry who helps make important decisions about health and safety.

Ingredient Labels -: Ingredient labels are lists on food packages that tell you what is inside the food. They help you know if the food is safe to eat.

Permits -: Permits are official permissions from the government that allow people to sell certain products, like food, to make sure they are safe.

Food Safety -: Food safety means making sure that the food we eat is clean, healthy, and free from harmful things.

Tracing Online Sellers -: Tracing online sellers means finding out who is selling things on the internet. It can be hard because people can hide their real names and addresses.

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