Taiwan Monitors Chinese Military Activity: 11 Aircraft and 8 Vessels Detected

Taiwan Monitors Chinese Military Activity: 11 Aircraft and 8 Vessels Detected

Taiwan Monitors Chinese Military Activity: 11 Aircraft and 8 Vessels Detected

On October 13, the Ministry of National Defence of Taiwan reported the detection of 11 aircraft from the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), 8 vessels from the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN), and 1 official Chinese ship near Taiwan. As of 6 am, 9 of these aircraft crossed the median line and entered Taiwan’s Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) in the north, southwest, and east.

The Ministry of National Defence of Taiwan stated, “11 PLA aircraft, 8 PLAN vessels and 1 official ship operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 am (UTC+8) today. 9 of the aircraft crossed the median line and entered Taiwan’s northern, southwestern, and eastern ADIZ. We have monitored the situation and responded.”

This activity is part of ongoing tensions between Taiwan and China, with China deploying 56 military aircraft and 22 naval vessels around Taiwan this month. Since September 2020, China has increased its “gray zone” tactics, which involve military presence near Taiwan without direct conflict. These tactics aim to pressure Taiwan while avoiding full-scale warfare.

The median line in the Taiwan Strait has traditionally served as a boundary between China and Taiwan. However, since a visit by former US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in August 2022, China has increased military crossings of this line, escalating tensions.

Taiwan, which has governed itself since splitting from China in 1949, remains vigilant against these activities. Despite China’s claims over Taiwan, the island maintains its autonomy and continues to monitor Chinese military maneuvers closely.

Doubts Revealed

Taiwan -: Taiwan is an island located in East Asia, near China. It has its own government and operates like an independent country, but China claims it as part of its territory.

Chinese Military -: The Chinese military is the armed forces of China, known as the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). It includes the army, navy, and air force.

Median Line -: The median line is an imaginary line in the Taiwan Strait that separates Taiwan and China. It is not officially recognized by China, but it is often used as a boundary to avoid conflicts.

Air Defence Identification Zone -: An Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) is an area where a country monitors and identifies aircraft to protect its airspace. Taiwan has its own ADIZ to track any aircraft entering its airspace.

Gray Zone Tactics -: Gray zone tactics are actions taken by a country to pressure another without starting a war. These can include military maneuvers, cyber attacks, or economic pressure.

Autonomous -: Autonomous means having the freedom to govern itself. Taiwan operates independently with its own government, even though China claims it as part of its territory.

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