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Taiwan Detects Chinese Military Aircraft and Ships Near Its Borders

Taiwan Detects Chinese Military Aircraft and Ships Near Its Borders

Taiwan Detects Chinese Military Aircraft and Ships Near Its Borders

Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defence reported that by 6 a.m. on Sunday, they had detected 10 PLA aircraft, 7 Chinese Navy vessels, and 2 official ships operating around Taiwan. Six of these aircraft crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait and entered Taiwan’s northern, central, southwestern, and eastern Air Defence Identification Zones (ADIZ). The Ministry stated, “We have monitored the situation and responded.”

In August alone, Taiwan detected Chinese military aircraft 535 times and ships 289 times. Since September 2020, China has increased its use of gray zone tactics, which involve efforts to achieve security objectives without direct and sizable use of force. These tactics include regular air and naval incursions into Taiwan’s ADIZ and military exercises near the island.

Taiwan has been governed independently since 1949, but China considers Taiwan part of its territory and insists on eventual reunification, by force if necessary. Earlier this week, Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) criticized China for violating other countries’ sovereignty and disrupting regional peace. A Chinese Shaanxi Y-9 reconnaissance plane entered Japanese airspace east of the Danjo Islands, which MOFA said seriously violated Japan’s sovereignty and raised regional tensions.

China’s continued use of military aircraft and warships to intrude into Taiwan and Japan’s air defence identification zones and exclusive economic zones has increased regional tensions. China also collaborates with Russia in frequent military exercises in the East China Sea and South China Sea, attempting to use force to change the status quo.

Doubts Revealed

Taiwan -: Taiwan is an island located in East Asia, near China. It has its own government and operates like an independent country, but China claims it as part of its territory.

PLA -: PLA stands for the People’s Liberation Army, which is the combined military forces of China, including its army, navy, and air force.

median line of the Taiwan Strait -: The median line of the Taiwan Strait is an imaginary line in the water that separates Taiwan and China. It is often used as a boundary to avoid conflicts.

incursions -: Incursions mean entering a place without permission, often in a way that is seen as aggressive or threatening. In this context, it refers to Chinese military forces entering areas near Taiwan.

sovereignty -: Sovereignty means having full control and authority over a territory. When Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs talks about sovereignty, they mean that China is not respecting Taiwan’s right to govern itself.

regional tensions -: Regional tensions refer to conflicts or disagreements between countries in a specific area. In this case, it means the increased military activities are causing stress and potential conflict in the region around Taiwan.
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