Swedish Uyghur Committee Highlights China’s Exploitation of East Turkistan’s Resources

Swedish Uyghur Committee Highlights China’s Exploitation of East Turkistan’s Resources

Swedish Uyghur Committee Highlights China’s Exploitation of East Turkistan’s Resources

The Swedish Uyghur Committee has raised concerns about China’s over-exploitation of East Turkistan’s mine resources for military and technological development. The committee, which advocates for Uyghur rights, posted on social media platform X about a mine in the Koktoqay region of Altay Prefecture, discovered in 1939. This mine, known as ‘No. 3,’ contains 86 types of minerals crucial for advanced technologies and military uses, including the creation of China’s first nuclear bomb.

The committee emphasized that the mine remained hidden from world maps until 1980, making it largely unknown outside China. They highlighted its significant role in repaying China’s national debt to the former Soviet Union and in launching the country’s first artificial satellite, ‘Dong Fang Hong’ (The East is Red). The mine continues to provide essential resources for China’s space and military programs.

‘This incredible mine discovered in East Turkistan, coveted by many countries, holds immense potential. It contains 86 minerals, including those essential for making atomic bombs. Since China occupied our homeland, they have not sold even a handful of the mine’s soil, keeping this valuable resource untapped and out of reach,’ the group said.

The committee also pointed out that over 50% of the Chinese economy relies on resources extracted from East Turkistan, describing this as part of a systematic plundering of their homeland. They called the situation a stark reminder of the ‘genocide’ and ‘brutal colonial occupation’ faced by Uyghurs under Chinese rule.

‘The contribution of this mine is just a fraction of the vast wealth extracted from East Turkestan, where numerous mines and abundant resources exist. More than 50% of China’s economy relies on this wealth, showcasing the critical importance of our land. Notably, this mine supplied the fuel for China’s first artificial satellite, ‘Dong Fang Hong’ (The East is Red), and continues to be a primary source for satellite launches,’ the group added.

The organisation accused China of withholding the mine’s potential from the global market, claiming that none of its resources have been sold internationally since Beijing’s occupation of East Turkistan. They argue that China’s continuous extraction of resources from the region fuels not only its military advancements but also technological innovations in aviation and space travel.

The Swedish Uyghur Committee concluded its post with a call for international recognition of East Turkistan’s plight, framing the resource exploitation as part of a broader struggle for independence, justice, and the protection of Uyghur rights.

‘More importantly, this mine not only supplied the minerals for China’s first nuclear bomb but also continues to fuel their military ambitions and technological advancements in aviation and space travel. This is just a small part of how China exploits East Turkistan’s resources while perpetrating genocide and maintaining its brutal colonial occupation of our homeland. The ongoing theft of our resources is a stark reminder of the urgency of our struggle for justice, independence and international recognition,’ it further stated.

China has imposed severe human rights atrocities on the East Turkistan region for decades. Despite international condemnation, the exploitation and human rights abuses against the Uyghur community continue.

Doubts Revealed

Swedish Uyghur Committee -: This is a group of people from Sweden who care about the Uyghur people. Uyghurs are a group of people who live in East Turkistan, which is a region in China.

China’s exploitation -: Exploitation means using something in a way that is unfair or harmful. In this case, it means China is taking resources from East Turkistan without giving fair benefits to the people there.

East Turkistan -: East Turkistan is a region in China where many Uyghur people live. It has a lot of valuable natural resources like minerals.

mine resources -: Mine resources are valuable materials like minerals that are dug out from the ground. These can be used to make things like electronics and machines.

military and technological development -: This means using the minerals to make things for the army and for advanced technology, like computers and smartphones.

Koktoqay region -: This is a specific area in East Turkistan where a lot of valuable minerals were found in 1939.

86 types of minerals -: Minerals are natural substances found in the ground. There are 86 different kinds of these minerals in the Koktoqay region.

systematic plundering -: This means taking resources in an organized and unfair way, without giving anything back to the people who live there.

international recognition -: This means getting people and countries around the world to notice and understand the problems happening in East Turkistan.

Uyghur rights -: These are the basic freedoms and protections that should be given to Uyghur people, like being treated fairly and living safely.

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