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Suresh Gopi Talks About New Plans for Spiritual and Adventure Tourism in Tripura

Suresh Gopi Talks About New Plans for Spiritual and Adventure Tourism in Tripura

Suresh Gopi Talks About New Plans for Spiritual and Adventure Tourism in Tripura

Union Minister of State for Tourism, Suresh Gopi, has announced that spiritual and adventure tourism will soon take on a new form. He made this statement after chairing a review meeting with officials from the Tripura tourism department.

Focus on Kerala’s Tourism Model

Gopi mentioned that Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in interviews with two Malayalam channels, highlighted Kerala as a key example of Indian tourism. Gopi believes that the elements of Kerala’s tourism should be adopted nationwide for better results.

Ongoing Projects and Future Plans

Regarding ongoing projects, Gopi noted that some require additional funding, which he plans to discuss with the cabinet chief. He also mentioned that while many excellent ideas were discussed, their implementation will take time as they need cabinet approval.

Detailed Discussions

Tripura Tourism Minister Sushanta Chowdhury, who was present at the meeting, said that they had detailed discussions on ongoing projects with the Director of Tourism, the Secretary of the departments, and other higher officials.

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