Supreme Court Questions Delhi Government Over Illegal Tree Cutting in South Delhi

Supreme Court Questions Delhi Government Over Illegal Tree Cutting in South Delhi

Supreme Court Questions Delhi Government Over Illegal Tree Cutting in South Delhi

The Supreme Court of India has reprimanded the Delhi government for the illegal felling of 1,100 trees in South Delhi’s Reserve Forest Area without permission. In response, the Delhi government has taken a firm stand on the issue.

Urgent Meeting Called

Environment and Forest Minister Gopal Rai held an urgent meeting with Forest Department officials, demanding all relevant records and a status report on actions taken so far. The Forest Department has been instructed to provide this information by 11 am on Thursday.

NGO’s Petition

The Supreme Court is currently hearing a petition from an NGO regarding the illegal tree cutting in the Ridge Area. The NGO informed the court that 1,100 trees were cut illegally in the Reserve Forest Area of South Delhi without the necessary permission from the Supreme Court.

DDA’s Actions

The NGO also told the court that the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) sought permission to cut the trees only after they had already been cut. The DDA did not inform the Supreme Court about the prior cutting, disobeying the court’s order and lying on its affidavit.

Supreme Court’s Response

The Supreme Court questioned the DDA and asked on whose orders the trees were cut. The court also issued a notice to the Delhi government through the Principal Secretary of the Environment and Forest Department, asking for an explanation on how the government permitted the felling of trees and why no action was taken against the DDA despite being aware of the violations.

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