Students at Makran University in Balochistan Protest for Better Facilities

Students at Makran University in Balochistan Protest for Better Facilities

Students at Makran University in Balochistan Protest for Better Facilities

In Panjgur, Balochistan, students at the University of Makran recently held a press conference to express their frustrations over the lack of basic amenities at their institution. Balochistan, despite being the largest province in Pakistan, is one of the most underdeveloped regions, and this is reflected in its educational infrastructure.

Key Issues Raised by Students

The students highlighted several issues that have significantly impacted their educational experience:

  • Unavailability of Cold Drinking Water: Students are forced to buy water from outside the campus.
  • Non-Functional Generators: The university fails to operate generators during power outages, causing discomfort during extreme heat.
  • Inadequate Infrastructure: There is a lack of proper motorcycle parking and substandard canteen facilities.
  • Poor Classroom Conditions: The absence of projectors hampers students’ ability to give presentations effectively.
  • Security Concerns: Outsiders frequently enter the university premises without being questioned.

Appeal to Authorities

Students have repeatedly informed the university administration about these issues, but their complaints have not been taken seriously, and they have often been threatened into silence. In a collective appeal, the students have called on the Governor of Balochistan to address these fundamental issues and ensure the provision of necessary facilities to improve their educational environment.

Wider Educational Challenges in Pakistan

Pakistan’s education system faces numerous challenges, with infrastructure being one of the most critical. Nationwide, there is a significant shortage of schools, particularly in rural areas, leading to overcrowded classrooms and high student-to-teacher ratios. Many existing schools are in poor condition, with dilapidated buildings that pose safety hazards to students and staff.

Doubts Revealed

Makran University -: Makran University is a college located in Panjgur, a city in the Balochistan province of Pakistan. It is a place where students go to study after finishing school.

Balochistan -: Balochistan is a province in Pakistan. It is known for its deserts and mountains, and it is one of the four provinces in the country.

press conference -: A press conference is a meeting where people talk to journalists and reporters to share important information. In this case, the students talked to the media to tell them about their problems.

basic amenities -: Basic amenities are essential things that people need to live comfortably, like clean water, electricity, and safe buildings. The students are asking for these basic needs to be met.

generators -: Generators are machines that produce electricity when there is a power cut. They help keep lights and other electrical devices working when the main power supply is off.

infrastructure -: Infrastructure refers to the physical structures and facilities needed for a place to function, like buildings, roads, and water supply systems. Good infrastructure is important for a comfortable and safe environment.

Governor of Balochistan -: The Governor of Balochistan is a high-ranking official who is responsible for the administration of the Balochistan province. The students are asking this person to help solve their problems.

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