Sreejesh T. Builds Eco-Friendly House with 6,000 Toys in Kozhikode

Sreejesh T. Builds Eco-Friendly House with 6,000 Toys in Kozhikode

Sreejesh T. Builds Eco-Friendly House with 6,000 Toys in Kozhikode

Sreejesh T., a bank employee and nature lover from Kakkuni, a small village in Kozhikode, has created a unique eco-friendly house. This special home is decorated with more than 6,000 toys.

Collecting the Toys

Sreejesh started collecting toys from his relatives and neighbors, but soon began visiting scrap yards in Calicut to find more. He selected the best-used toys and filled them with cement to help support the building.

Building with Reused Materials

The house is built using reused materials like mud tiles and bricks made from local soil mixed with cement. The roof is made of a cement shell to minimize steel use, and the floor is made of oxide.

A Memory for the Family

Sreejesh’s family supported him throughout the project, which he sees as a memory. The walls are made from tiles of old demolished houses, promoting a culture of preservation.

Eco-Friendly and Cool

The house includes a pond in the basement and a guest room. It stays cool in summer and aims to reduce plastic pollution. Sreejesh and the architects were careful not to disturb nature, making the house an innovative and eco-friendly alternative to concrete buildings.

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