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Smriti Irani Talks About Gender Equity at World Bank in Washington DC

Smriti Irani Talks About Gender Equity at World Bank in Washington DC

Smriti Irani Talks About Gender Equity at World Bank in Washington DC

Former Union Minister Smriti Irani spoke about the importance of expanding gender equity in India and the Global South during her address to the World Bank leaders in Washington, DC. She highlighted India’s progress in this area and the upcoming Gender Strategy 2024-2030.

Key Points from Smriti Irani’s Speech

Smriti Irani emphasized the need for gender equity policies to be fully implemented to enhance global competitiveness. She pointed out that policies in education, healthcare, childcare, and housing disproportionately impact women, especially in developing economies.

She stressed the importance of getting these policies right so that women and girls can lead in government and industry while fulfilling their personal potential.

The Alliance for Global Good

The Alliance for Global Good: Gender Equity and Equality is an Indian-based NGO working to empower women globally. It was launched in Davos in 2024 and aims to bring together global good practices, knowledge sharing, and investments in women’s health, education, and enterprise.

The Alliance is supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and anchored by the CII Centre for Women Leadership, with the World Economic Forum as a ‘Network Partner’ and Invest India as an ‘Institutional Partner’.

India’s Commitment to Gender Parity

Smriti Irani shared on social media that India has made significant progress in women-led development under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership. She reiterated India’s commitment to prioritizing gender parity as the World Bank prepares to unveil its Gender Strategy 2024-2030.

She also emphasized the need for forward-thinking policies to create an environment where women can excel as leaders in government and industry while fulfilling their personal and professional aspirations.

Future Meetings

Smriti Irani will continue to meet with government and business leaders in Washington, DC, to discuss her priorities for gender equity over the next several days.

Doubts Revealed

Smriti Irani -: Smriti Irani is a well-known Indian politician and former Union Minister. She has worked in various roles in the Indian government.

Gender Equity -: Gender equity means making sure that everyone, regardless of whether they are a boy or a girl, has the same opportunities and rights.

World Bank -: The World Bank is an international organization that helps countries by giving them money and advice to improve their economies and reduce poverty.

Washington DC -: Washington DC is the capital city of the United States of America. It is where the President lives and where many important government buildings are located.

Global South -: The Global South refers to countries that are generally less wealthy and are located in regions like Africa, Latin America, and parts of Asia, including India.

Gender Strategy 2024-2030 -: This is a plan that will be used from the year 2024 to 2030 to make sure that boys and girls have equal opportunities and rights.

Alliance for Global Good -: The Alliance for Global Good is a group based in India that works to help people around the world, especially women, to have better lives.

NGO -: NGO stands for Non-Governmental Organization. These are groups that work to help people and solve problems but are not part of the government.
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