Sindhi Foundation Protests in New York for Missing Priya Kumari

Sindhi Foundation Protests in New York for Missing Priya Kumari

Sindhi Foundation Protests in New York for Missing Priya Kumari

New York [US], September 1: Leaders and members of the Sindhi Foundation organized a protest outside the Pakistani consulate in New York. They demanded the return of Priya Kumari, a minor who was abducted on August 19, 2021, and is still missing. The Sindhi Foundation, a Washington-based human rights organization, reported this on Saturday.

Sufi Munawar Laghari, the Executive Director of the Sindhi Foundation, stated, “The Pakistani military and ISI must leave Sindh and Balochistan. They immediately must stop the genocide and enforced disappearances of Sindhis and Baloch. Their time is over.”

The protest was held to commemorate the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances. It saw participation from the Sindhi community and intellectuals living in New York City. Laghari, who has been campaigning globally for Priya Kumari’s safe return and against human rights violations, announced a grand exhibition in November in Washington showcasing the Sindhi Foundation’s years-long movement.

Laghari also said, “We are done with the state of Pakistan. Consul General and other officials of the Pakistani state and ISI, you convey Sindhis’ message to the generals that we are Sindhi and Baloch nationalists are done with your oppression in the garb of brotherhood, shariah, Pakistani nationalism. We are up against it. Sindhis and Balochs now want freedom.”

Zafar Javed, a Canada-based Baloch nationalist leader, added, “Pakistan is committing crimes against the human rights of Sindhis and Balochs. It is committing crimes against humanity. Yet, Pakistan is the most important ally of the United States and European Union. So the United States and the European Union must be aware of the atrocities Pakistan continues to commit on Baloch, Pashtuns, Sindhis, Hazaras, and other nations.”

Shoukat Sanjrani, a Sindhi nationalist leader, said, “Power elites of Punjab, the majority province of Pakistan, are exploiting Sindhis by plundering Sindh’s resources. Punjab is a part of grand oppression against Sindhis and other oppressed nationalities with President Zardari as their puppet.”

Ghulam Nabi Unar, chairman of the New York-based Sindh Academic and Cultural Council, warned the Pakistani state not to think of Priya Kumari as merely a Hindu girl abducted in Pakistan. “She is Sindhi and Sindhis know how to protect their honor and human rights,” he said.

On this occasion, poet and human rights defender Hasan Mujtaba recited his famous poem ‘Song of Missing Persons’. Other prominent participants included poet and novelist Jani Abro, Ali Khaskheli, the joint secretary of the Sindhi Association of North America, and Ghazanfar Rajpar and Zafar Rajapr.

Doubts Revealed

Sindhi Foundation -: The Sindhi Foundation is a group that works to protect the rights and culture of Sindhi people, who are from a region in Pakistan called Sindh.

New York -: New York is a big city in the United States of America, known for its tall buildings and famous places like the Statue of Liberty.

Pakistani consulate -: A consulate is like a small office of a country in another country. The Pakistani consulate in New York helps people with things related to Pakistan.

Priya Kumari -: Priya Kumari is a young girl who was taken away from her family in 2021, and people are trying to find her and bring her back.

Sufi Munawar Laghari -: Sufi Munawar Laghari is a leader of the Sindhi Foundation who is helping to organize the protest to find Priya Kumari.

human rights violations -: Human rights violations are when people are treated very badly and unfairly, like being hurt or not allowed to do things everyone should be able to do.

Sindhis and Balochs -: Sindhis and Balochs are groups of people from different regions in Pakistan who have their own cultures and languages.

grand exhibition -: A grand exhibition is a big event where people show things like art, photos, or information to teach others about a topic.

Washington -: Washington is the capital city of the United States of America, where important government buildings are located.

Zafar Javed and Shoukat Sanjrani -: Zafar Javed and Shoukat Sanjrani are people who spoke at the protest, talking about the problems faced by Sindhis and Balochs.

international awareness -: International awareness means making people all over the world know about a problem so they can help fix it.

Hasan Mujtaba -: Hasan Mujtaba is a poet who writes poems, and he read one of his poems at the protest.

poem ‘Song of Missing Persons’ -: A poem is a special kind of writing that uses beautiful words. ‘Song of Missing Persons’ is a poem about people who have disappeared.

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