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Sindhi Foundation Protests for Human Rights Outside Pakistani Consulate in Chicago

Sindhi Foundation Protests for Human Rights Outside Pakistani Consulate in Chicago

Sindhi Foundation Protests for Human Rights Outside Pakistani Consulate in Chicago

The Sindhi Foundation organized a protest in front of the Pakistani Consulate in Chicago to demand rights for the Sindhi community in Pakistan. They highlighted the plight of Priya Kumari, a Sindhi Hindu minor abducted three years ago in Sindh Province, and ongoing human rights abuses against Sindhis.

According to the Sindhi Foundation, these abuses are state-sponsored, aiming to homogenize society in favor of Islam and the Urdu language. This has led to land occupation, enforced disappearances, and extrajudicial killings of Sindhi Hindus.

The Foundation claims that the Pakistani government’s policies aim to marginalize non-Muslim communities and promote an Urdu-speaking Islamic identity. They have vowed to continue their protest until their demands are met, including the safe return of Priya Kumari.

The Sindhi Foundation has called on international agencies to suspend aid to Pakistan until the human rights violations against Sindhis cease. The protest in Chicago is part of a series of demonstrations to raise awareness and garner international support for the Sindhi community’s plight in Pakistan.

Doubts Revealed

Sindhi Foundation -: The Sindhi Foundation is a group that works to protect the rights and culture of the Sindhi people, who are originally from a region in Pakistan.

Pakistani Consulate -: A consulate is like a small office of a country in another country. The Pakistani Consulate in Chicago helps Pakistani people living in the USA with things like passports and visas.

Chicago -: Chicago is a big city in the United States, known for its tall buildings and being near Lake Michigan.

Sindhi community -: The Sindhi community is a group of people who speak the Sindhi language and have their own unique culture. They mostly live in the Sindh region of Pakistan.

Priya Kumari -: Priya Kumari is a young girl from the Sindhi Hindu community who was taken away from her family three years ago. Her case is used to show the problems faced by Sindhis.

Human rights abuses -: Human rights abuses are actions that harm people’s basic rights and freedoms, like being safe and treated fairly.

State-sponsored -: State-sponsored means that the government is supporting or allowing certain actions to happen.

Non-Muslim communities -: Non-Muslim communities are groups of people in Pakistan who follow religions other than Islam, like Hinduism or Christianity.

International agencies -: International agencies are organizations that work across different countries to help with issues like health, education, and human rights.

Suspend aid -: Suspend aid means to stop giving help or support, usually in the form of money or resources, to a country.
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