Sindhi Foundation Fights for Priya Kumari’s Freedom with Protests in Houston

Sindhi Foundation Fights for Priya Kumari’s Freedom with Protests in Houston

Sindhi Foundation Fights for Priya Kumari’s Freedom with Protests in Houston

The Sindhi Foundation, a Washington-based organization, is campaigning for the freedom of Priya Kumari, a victim of enforced disappearance in Pakistan. The campaign will hold its fifth protest on August 19, 2024, in front of the Pakistani Consulate in Houston, Texas.

Significance of the Date

Sufi Munawar Laghari, a prominent voice within the Sindhi Foundation, highlighted the significance of the date, stating, “Today is August 14th, Independence Day for Pakistanis, but not for Sindhis. We are not Pakistani; we are Sindhis. Our Sindh is occupied by Pakistani Punjab, and our daughters and sons are stolen.” He emphasized that Priya Kumari’s abduction on August 19, 2021, exemplifies the plight of many Sindhis who have been forcibly disappeared.

Global Campaign

The Sindhi Foundation’s campaign, aimed at securing Priya Kumari’s release, has been global in scope. It involves organizing protests in various cities across different countries. Previous demonstrations have taken place in Toronto, Canada; London, United Kingdom; Geneva, Switzerland; and Chicago, United States.

Support in Houston

In Houston, the campaign has received robust support from the local Sindhi community, with human rights defender Talat Talpur at the forefront. Talpur passionately urged the community to unite in protest, saying, “Imagine the unimaginable, your child forcibly taken from you. The heartbreak, the devastation–you can feel it just thinking about it. This nightmare has become a reality for a Sindhi mother, whose little girl has been ripped from her arms. The kidnappers? Wealthy, powerful, and untouchable, they operate above the law.”

He continued, “When you are poor, powerless, and voiceless, who will stand up for you? That’s why I urge my dear brothers and sisters from the Sindhi community in Houston and surrounding areas to join us this Monday, August 19, 2024, at 10:00 AM in front of the Pakistani Consulate General Houston. Together, we can be the voice for the voiceless so the world knows about this grave injustice. Let’s make sure the tyrants responsible for this horrendous crime are held accountable.”

Ongoing Efforts

The Sindhi Foundation has vowed to continue its campaign until Priya Kumari is free. As the protests continue to gain momentum, the organization’s efforts shine a light on the ongoing human rights violations faced by the Sindhi community in Pakistan.

Doubts Revealed

Sindhi Foundation -: The Sindhi Foundation is a group that helps people from the Sindhi community, which is a group of people originally from a region in Pakistan called Sindh.

Priya Kumari -: Priya Kumari is a person who was taken away without permission in Pakistan, and people are trying to help her get free.

Houston -: Houston is a big city in the state of Texas, USA, where the protest will happen.

Washington -: Washington is a state in the USA where the Sindhi Foundation is based.

Pakistani Consulate -: A consulate is like a small office of a country in another country. The Pakistani Consulate in Houston helps people with things related to Pakistan.

Sufi Munawar Laghari -: Sufi Munawar Laghari is a person who is helping to lead the protests to free Priya Kumari.

Talat Talpur -: Talat Talpur is a person who works to protect human rights and is also helping to lead the protests.

Sindhi community -: The Sindhi community is a group of people who come from the Sindh region in Pakistan and share the same culture and language.

abduction -: Abduction means taking someone away without their permission, like kidnapping.

human rights violations -: Human rights violations are actions that take away people’s basic rights and freedoms, like being safe and treated fairly.

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