Siddhant Vittal Patil Goes Missing in Glacier National Park, Montana

Siddhant Vittal Patil Goes Missing in Glacier National Park, Montana

Siddhant Vittal Patil Goes Missing in Glacier National Park, Montana

A young man named Siddhant Vittal Patil from Pune, who was living in California, went missing on July 6 while hiking in Glacier National Park, Montana. Siddhant was with seven friends when he slipped and fell into Avalanche Creek. He briefly resurfaced but was swept away by the strong currents.

According to his uncle, Pritesh Chaudhari, aerial searches by ALERT helicopters and ground searches by more than 10 rangers have been conducted, but Siddhant has not been found. Some of his personal items were recovered downstream, but the strong currents in the creek have made it impossible to search the gorge.

Park officials have stated that the water level in the creek is very high, and it may take weeks or months before search operations can resume. Siddhant’s family is urging authorities to intensify their efforts and has appealed to hire private rangers for the search. Prem Bhandari, a prominent member of the Indian diaspora, is also trying to reach out to authorities to help the family find closure.

Siddhant Vittal Patil

Glacier National Park





Avalanche Creek

aerial and ground searches

strong currents


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