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Shafi Burfat Condemns Human Rights Violations in Balochistan and Pakistan’s Historical Regions

Shafi Burfat Condemns Human Rights Violations in Balochistan and Pakistan’s Historical Regions

Shafi Burfat Condemns Human Rights Violations in Balochistan and Pakistan’s Historical Regions

Jeay Sindh Muttahida Mahaz Chairman Shafi Burfat (Photo/ANI)

Darmstadt, Germany – Shafi Burfat, Chairman of Jeay Sindh Muttahida Mahaz (JSMM), has condemned the situation in Balochistan and other regions of Pakistan as severe human rights violations and state fascism. He claims that Pakistan’s democratic framework is a facade benefiting the Punjabi majority and military elite.

Burfat accuses the Pakistani state of oppressing regions like Sindh, Balochistan, the Pashtun, and the Saraiki people under the guise of religion and national unity. He highlights political oppression, economic exploitation, state terrorism, and cultural erasure in these areas.

He draws parallels with the 1971 genocide in Bangladesh, where the Punjabi military was responsible for the massacre of three million Bengalis, suggesting similar tactics are used today. Burfat criticizes the international community for viewing Pakistan’s political system as democratic, ignoring the oppressive mindset of the Punjabi majority enforced by military power.

Burfat calls on the United Nations and global powers to recognize that Pakistan’s political and economic crises stem from denying freedom to these historical nations. He condemns the 1973 constitution for serving Punjab’s interests and annexing other nations, preventing their independence.

He urges international intervention, calling for referendums for the independence of Balochistan and Sindhudesh under UN supervision. Burfat believes such referendums would reveal the extent of state fascism and oppression in these regions.

Burfat’s statement is a strong appeal for recognizing the national freedom of historical regions as a fundamental human right. He emphasizes that the struggle for national liberation is the highest form of democracy and a crucial human rights issue in Pakistan, urging the global community to support these nations’ aspirations for independence and self-determination.

Doubts Revealed

Shafi Burfat -: Shafi Burfat is a leader of a political group in Pakistan. He speaks out against unfair treatment of people in certain areas of Pakistan.

Jeay Sindh Muttahida Mahaz (JSMM) -: Jeay Sindh Muttahida Mahaz, or JSMM, is a political group in Pakistan. They want more rights and independence for the Sindh region.

Human Rights Violations -: Human rights violations mean treating people very badly and unfairly. This can include hurting them, not giving them freedom, or taking away their basic needs.

Balochistan -: Balochistan is a region in Pakistan. Some people there feel they are not treated fairly by the government.

Political Oppression -: Political oppression means stopping people from having a say in how their country is run. It can include not allowing them to vote or speak freely.

Economic Exploitation -: Economic exploitation means taking unfair advantage of people’s work or resources. It can mean paying them very little or taking their land and money.

Cultural Erasure -: Cultural erasure means trying to remove or destroy a group’s culture, traditions, and language. It’s like trying to make everyone the same and not allowing differences.

International Community -: The international community means all the countries and people around the world. They sometimes work together to solve big problems.

Democratic -: Democratic means a system where people have the power to choose their leaders by voting. It’s about having a say in how the country is run.

Referendums -: Referendums are votes where people can decide on a specific issue. It’s like asking everyone in a place what they think about a big decision.

Independence -: Independence means being free from control by another country or group. It’s about being able to make your own decisions.

Sindhudesh -: Sindhudesh is a name some people use for a region in Pakistan called Sindh. They want it to be an independent country.

UN Supervision -: UN supervision means having the United Nations, a group of countries working together, watch over and help with important decisions. They try to make sure things are fair.

National Liberation -: National liberation means fighting to be free from control by another country or group. It’s about wanting to be independent and self-governing.
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