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Saudi Naval Trainees Complete Training with Indian Navy in Kochi

Saudi Naval Trainees Complete Training with Indian Navy in Kochi

Saudi Naval Trainees Complete Training with Indian Navy in Kochi

Seventy-six trainees from the King Fahd Naval Academy of the Royal Saudi Naval Forces (RSNF) completed their afloat training course at the First Training Squadron (1TS) of the Indian Navy on July 18. The three-week-long training at Kochi included both harbour and sea phases.

Training Phases

The harbour phase focused on simulator-based training in navigation, firefighting, and damage control. During the sea phase, trainees gained hands-on experience in ship handling, communication procedures, and seamanship. They also participated in sail training at the Watermanship Training Centre and on-board INS Tarangini.

Cultural Exchange

The program facilitated cultural exchange through visits to historical sites and friendly sports matches with Indian trainees. This interaction enhanced camaraderie and friendship between the trainees of both nations.

Valedictory Event

At the end of the training, RAdm Upal Kundu, Chief of Staff, Southern Naval Command, interacted with the trainees and RSNF staff. Trainees shared their experiences, and staff praised the high-quality training. Certificates and alumni badges were awarded during a valedictory function on-board INS Tir, and a course memoir was unveiled.

Growing Partnership

The successful conduct of two consecutive training courses, with increased participation, highlights the strengthening maritime partnership between the Indian and Saudi navies.

Doubts Revealed

Saudi Naval Trainees -: These are people from Saudi Arabia who are learning how to work on navy ships.

King Fahd Naval Academy -: This is a school in Saudi Arabia where people are trained to work in the navy.

Royal Saudi Naval Forces -: This is the navy of Saudi Arabia, which is a part of their military that works on the sea.

Indian Navy -: This is the navy of India, which is a part of India’s military that works on the sea.

First Training Squadron -: This is a group of ships in the Indian Navy that are used to train new sailors.

Kochi -: This is a city in the state of Kerala, India, where the training took place.

afloat training course -: This is a type of training that happens on ships in the water.

harbour and sea phases -: These are parts of the training; ‘harbour’ means near the shore and ‘sea’ means out in the open water.

navigation -: This is learning how to find the way on the sea using maps and tools.

firefighting -: This is learning how to put out fires, which is important on ships.

seamanship -: This is learning all the skills needed to work on a ship.

cultural exchanges -: These are activities where people from different countries share their traditions and learn about each other.

valedictory event -: This is a special ceremony at the end of the training where people are given awards.

certificates and badges -: These are awards given to show that someone has completed the training.

maritime partnership -: This means that the navies of India and Saudi Arabia are working together and helping each other.
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