Rishi Sunak Steps Down as UK Prime Minister After Election Loss, Keir Starmer to Take Over

Rishi Sunak Steps Down as UK Prime Minister After Election Loss, Keir Starmer to Take Over

Rishi Sunak Steps Down as UK Prime Minister After Election Loss

On Friday, Rishi Sunak, the outgoing Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, apologized to the nation after the Conservative Party’s significant loss in the general election. This was the party’s worst defeat in recent times.

Sunak’s Farewell Speech

In his final speech outside 10 Downing Street, Sunak said, “To the country, I would like to say first and foremost, I am sorry. I have given this job my all but you have sent a clear signal that the government of the United Kingdom must change and yours is the only judgement that matters. I take responsibility for this loss…Following this result, I will step down as party leader.”

Sunak, 44, announced his resignation as the leader of the Conservative Party, which suffered a landslide loss in the election. This move will trigger a contest for the next Conservative leader.

Keir Starmer to Become Prime Minister

The Labour Party won the general election, and Keir Starmer is set to become the next Prime Minister. He will soon meet the king to be invited to form a government. The Conservative Party lost more than 250 seats and now faces life in opposition.

Sunak wished Starmer well, calling him a “decent, public-spirited man.” He said, “Whilst he has been my political opponent, Keir Starmer, will shortly become our prime minister. In this job, his successes will be all our successes, and I wish him and his family well. Whatever our disagreements in this campaign, He is a decent, public-spirited man who I respect.”

Reflecting on His Premiership

Sunak reflected on his 21-month premiership, highlighting his achievements such as stabilizing the economy, rebuilding Britain’s relations with its allies, and normalizing relations with the European Union post-Brexit. He said, “When I first stood here as your prime minister, I told you the most important task I had was to return stability to our economy. Inflation is backed to target, mortgage rates are falling and growth has returned. We have enhanced our standing in the world, rebuilding relations with allies, leading global efforts to support Ukraine, and becoming the home of new generation of transformative technologies. And our United Kingdom is stronger too. With the Windsor framework, devolution restored in Northern Ireland, and our union strengthened. I’m proud of those achievements. I believe this country is safer, stronger, and more secure than it was 20 months ago. And it is more prosperous, fairer and resilient than it was in 2010.”

The next step in the handover of power is for Sunak to call on King Charles, after which Starmer will be invited to form the next government.

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