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Retired Workers in PoJK Protest Against Pension Cuts

Retired Workers in PoJK Protest Against Pension Cuts

Retired Workers in PoJK Protest Against Pension Cuts

In Muzaffarabad, retired government workers from Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK) gathered outside the Secretariat to protest against the IMF-mandated ban on family pensions. The protest was organized by the Pensioners Association.

The demonstrators expressed their anger over the government’s decision to stop pensions for widowed women, emphasizing the financial difficulties these vulnerable individuals face due to rising inflation and economic challenges.

Raja Mumtaz, a representative of the Pensioners Association, outlined the key demands of the protesters. He stated, “Our two demands are of utmost importance. First, we insist that the pensions for widowed daughters, which have been halted, be reinstated. We estimate there are around 200 to 250 cases of vulnerable women affected by this decision, some of whom are here with us today.”

He continued, “Secondly, we are requesting the release of the pending 10 percent amount for the period from April 22 to June 30. This is crucial for our financial stability. Additionally, we seek an increase in the pensions of university employees to reflect their years of dedicated service. We are here today to advocate for these essential rights.”

The protesters also claimed that pensioners in PoJK are being denied the recent pension increase announced by Pakistan’s Prime Minister. They warned of possible repercussions if their demands are not met, with one protester stating, “That time is not far off; we can see a lot. Pakistan is going through a very difficult situation. Save Pakistan from breaking apart, please. Grant us our rights. Let it not be that a mistake happens tomorrow that we will regret later.”

The protest highlighted the shared struggles of the pensioners in the face of economic challenges, particularly the impact of rising inflation and the loss of crucial financial support.

Doubts Revealed

PoJK -: PoJK stands for Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir. It is a region that is currently controlled by Pakistan but is also claimed by India.

IMF -: IMF stands for International Monetary Fund. It is an organization that helps countries with financial problems by giving them loans and advice.

Muzaffarabad -: Muzaffarabad is the capital city of Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK). It is where the protest took place.

Pensioners Association -: The Pensioners Association is a group of retired workers who come together to protect their rights and benefits, like pensions.

Pensions -: Pensions are regular payments made to retired workers to help them live after they stop working. In this case, the pensions for widowed daughters were cut.

Widowed daughters -: Widowed daughters are women whose husbands have died. The protestors want these women to continue receiving pensions.

Financial instability -: Financial instability means not having enough money to live comfortably. The retired workers are worried that cutting pensions will make it hard for them to manage their expenses.

Repercussions -: Repercussions are the negative effects or consequences of an action. The protestors warned that bad things might happen if their demands are not met.
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