RBI Deputy Governor Michael Patra Talks About New Financial Risks in Jaipur

RBI Deputy Governor Michael Patra Talks About New Financial Risks in Jaipur

RBI Deputy Governor Michael Patra Talks About New Financial Risks in Jaipur

On Tuesday, RBI Deputy Governor Michael Patra spoke at an event in Jaipur organized by the Deposit Insurance Corporation of Global Communities (DICGC). He emphasized the urgent need to evolve deposit insurance systems to meet challenges from rapid financial innovation and climate change.

New Financial Risks

Patra pointed out emerging risks like cyber threats and potential financial instability due to digital transformation. He cited the March 2023 banking sector stress as an example of how online banking and social media can amplify financial instability.

Technological Advancements

Patra discussed the rise of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), tokenized deposits, and the digitalization of financial services. He noted that while these advancements offer benefits, they also pose new risks that could disrupt traditional financial safety nets.

Climate Change

Patra also addressed climate change as a significant risk to global financial stability. He emphasized the importance of incorporating climate risk considerations into deposit insurance frameworks, including climate risk-based premiums and stress testing of insurance funds.

Preparedness and Coordination

Patra highlighted the necessity of fortifying crisis preparedness and business continuity management among deposit insurers. He urged the global financial community to develop robust frameworks for managing the failure of deposit-taking institutions and preventing contagion.

Doubts Revealed

RBI -: RBI stands for Reserve Bank of India. It is the central bank of India, which means it manages the country’s money and financial system.

Deputy Governor -: A Deputy Governor is a high-ranking official in the RBI who helps make important decisions about India’s money and banking system.

Michael Patra -: Michael Patra is one of the Deputy Governors of the RBI. He helps manage India’s financial policies.

Deposit insurance -: Deposit insurance is a system that protects people’s money in banks. If a bank fails, this insurance makes sure people get their money back up to a certain limit.

Digital transformation -: Digital transformation means using new technology to change how things are done. In banking, it includes online banking and digital payments.

Climate change -: Climate change refers to long-term changes in the Earth’s weather patterns. It can affect many things, including the economy and financial systems.

Jaipur -: Jaipur is a city in India, known for its rich history and beautiful palaces. It is the capital of the state of Rajasthan.

March 2023 banking stress -: This refers to a time in March 2023 when banks faced problems, partly because of issues related to online banking and social media.

Central Bank Digital Currencies -: Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are digital forms of money issued by a country’s central bank, like the RBI.

Tokenized deposits -: Tokenized deposits are a new way of representing money using digital tokens, which can make transactions faster and more secure.

Financial instability -: Financial instability means that the financial system is not stable and can have problems, like banks failing or stock markets crashing.

Climate risk -: Climate risk refers to the potential financial problems that can happen because of climate change, like natural disasters affecting businesses and banks.

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