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Pune Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar Talks About Fighting Drugs and Corruption

Pune Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar Talks About Fighting Drugs and Corruption

Pune Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar Talks About Fighting Drugs and Corruption

Pune Commissioner of Police Amitesh Kumar spoke to students at Modern College about the efforts of the Pune Police in combating drug abuse and addressing corruption within the force. The speech was delivered in commemoration of the International Day Against Drug Abuse.

Addressing Negative Narratives

CP Kumar addressed recent incidents that had sparked negative narratives about the Pune police, specifically mentioning the infamous Porsche accident case. He highlighted that despite initial attempts at cover-ups and corruption, the police were able to uncover the truth and bring those responsible to justice.

“Somedays back a very unfortunate accident happened in the City after that incident many people made their comments against police raised questions about police action and it’s workings..also tried to create a negative narrative about police…and they got success too ..but we must have to think that when this incident happened.. yes at the beginning at the local level there was some attempt made to do some unacceptable and objectionable action …later at the hospital manipulation were done in blood samples,” Kumar said.

“We also noticed some actions of corruptions…after seeing all this you must have questions that how corrupt the system is but you need to understand at the same time this is the same system who has unearthed the corruptions from this case.. the same system made it sure that the doctors the accused minor his parents, grandfathers all go behind bar and brought fact in front of the people…,” he added.

Combating Corruption

Addressing the concerns about corruption within the police department, CP Amitesh Kumar reassured the students that while there may be a few “black sheep,” the majority of the force is dedicated to upholding the law and maintaining the safety of the city. He promised to take strict action against any officer found engaging in misconduct and stressed the importance of restoring public trust in the police.

“If people think that system is corrupt then you need to know that every department has some black ships but the whole department the whole society aren’t corrupt .. yes there are some black ships but system identify them and take action against them …being chief of police I want to assure you that we will take action if any police personnel found in ill practices I don’t claim that Police is 100% good its only few maybe only one percent are involved bad practices but we will show you that we will identify them and take action against them …,” Kumar said.

Commitment to Safety

Furthermore, CP Amitesh Kumar addressed a viral video showing two youths taking drugs in a bar in FC Road, Pune. He expressed his displeasure at the attempts to paint the entire city as a hub for drug abuse and reiterated the police’s commitment to cracking down on such criminal activities.

In conclusion, CP Amitesh Kumar assured the students that the police are working tirelessly to ensure the safety and security of the city. He urged the public not to be swayed by negative narratives and emphasized the importance of cooperation in fighting against drug abuse and corruption.

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