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Protestors Release Insects at Israeli Delegation Hotel Before Netanyahu’s US Congress Speech

Protestors Release Insects at Israeli Delegation Hotel Before Netanyahu’s US Congress Speech

Protestors Release Insects at Israeli Delegation Hotel Before Netanyahu’s US Congress Speech

Ahead of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to the US Congress, a pro-Palestinian group claimed to have released maggots and insects at the Watergate Hotel in Washington, DC, where some of the Israeli delegation were staying. The group shared a video showing the insects on a table with Israeli and US flags.

Netanyahu’s visit comes amid protests and follows his previous addresses to Congress in 1996, 2011, and 2015. He is set to meet former President Donald Trump in Florida on Friday.

Doubts Revealed

Protestors -: Protestors are people who show they disagree with something, often by gathering in public places and holding signs or chanting.

Insects -: Insects are small animals with six legs and usually wings, like ants, bees, and butterflies.

Israeli Delegation -: An Israeli delegation is a group of people from Israel who are visiting another country for official purposes.

Netanyahu -: Benjamin Netanyahu is the Prime Minister of Israel, which means he is the leader of the Israeli government.

US Congress -: The US Congress is a group of people in the United States who make laws. It has two parts: the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Pro-Palestinian -: Pro-Palestinian means supporting the people of Palestine, a region in the Middle East that has had conflicts with Israel.

Maggots -: Maggots are the larvae of flies. They look like small, white worms and are often found in decaying food or garbage.

Watergate Hotel -: The Watergate Hotel is a famous hotel in Washington, DC, known for a political scandal in the 1970s.

Washington, DC -: Washington, DC is the capital city of the United States, where the President and many government buildings are located.

Flags -: Flags are pieces of cloth with special designs that represent countries or groups. The Israeli flag has a blue Star of David, and the US flag has stars and stripes.

Donald Trump -: Donald Trump is a former President of the United States, who served from 2017 to 2021.
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