Professors in Gilgit Demand Better Education Policies and Fair Salaries

Professors in Gilgit Demand Better Education Policies and Fair Salaries

Professors in Gilgit Demand Better Education Policies and Fair Salaries

A panel of educationists from the All Pakistan Professors and Teachers Association held a significant press conference at the Gilgit Press Club in Pakistan-occupied Gilgit Baltistan (PoGB). They aimed to highlight the shortcomings in Pakistan’s educational policies.

Key Issues Highlighted

The panel criticized the federal and provincial governments for failing to prioritize education. They pointed out that the budget allocated to education is often the lowest. The central spokesperson stated, “The administration has looted our pensions under the name of pension reforms, we critically condemn such actions and demand an immediate and unconditional revocation of the same.”

Financial Hardships

The spokesperson elaborated on the financial issues faced by professors and teachers, including heavy taxes and insufficient allowances. They demanded salary adjustments according to inflation and the addition of teaching allowances.

Privatization Concerns

The panel also criticized the privatization of colleges, suggesting that only those unable to survive should be privatized. A female representative from Punjab Province called the education policies “Anti People Policies” and revealed that 6500 teachers in Punjab face significant pay cuts.

She emphasized that education should be kept separate from capitalism and politics, as financial problems for educators will ultimately affect the future of children.

Doubts Revealed

Gilgit -: Gilgit is a city in the northern part of Pakistan, known for its beautiful mountains and valleys.

All Pakistan Professors and Teachers Association -: This is a group of teachers and professors from all over Pakistan who work together to improve education and support teachers.

press conference -: A press conference is a meeting where people talk to journalists and answer their questions to share important news.

resources -: Resources in this context mean things like books, computers, and other materials that help students learn.

budget allocation -: Budget allocation means how money is divided and given to different things, like schools, by the government.

financial hardships -: Financial hardships mean having trouble with money, like not having enough to pay for basic needs.

teaching allowances -: Teaching allowances are extra money given to teachers to help them with their job, like buying supplies.

group insurance fund -: A group insurance fund is money collected to help pay for things like medical bills for a group of people, like teachers.

privatization of colleges -: Privatization of colleges means turning public colleges, which are run by the government, into private ones, which are run by businesses or individuals.

underprivileged students -: Underprivileged students are kids who don’t have as many resources or opportunities as others, often because they are poor.

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