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Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Attend ‘Summit of the Future’ at the United Nations

Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Attend ‘Summit of the Future’ at the United Nations

Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Attend ‘Summit of the Future’ at the United Nations

New York [US], September 20: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be attending the ‘Summit of the Future’ at the United Nations on September 23. This high-level event aims to bring world leaders together to create a new international consensus for a better present and future.

Importance of the Summit

The Summit is seen as a chance to rebuild trust and show that international cooperation can achieve agreed goals and tackle new challenges. Maria Fernanda Espinosa, President of the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly, emphasized that the Summit is a call to reform the Security Council to reflect today’s world.

Maria Fernanda Espinosa’s Views

Espinosa stated, “The Summit of the Future is the result of a long process and collective political will to strengthen the UN’s power and adapt to 21st-century challenges. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to agree, discuss, and commit to building a better UN.”

She also highlighted the importance of including women and gender equality at the center of the UN’s efforts. “The voices of young people, social movements, and academic scientists have been strong, and member states have provided a central space for negotiations,” she added.

Prime Minister Modi’s Role

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the Summit, which has the theme ‘Multilateral Solutions for a Better Tomorrow.’ UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has called it a “once in a generation UN Summit.”

Global Participation

Espinosa mentioned that 130 Heads of State and Government have confirmed their presence, reflecting the political importance of the Summit. The event will focus on various issues, including the reform of the Security Council, climate change, and improving international financial systems.

India’s Commitments

Espinosa praised India’s commitment to cutting emissions to net zero by 2070 and its efforts in renewable energy. She also commended India’s Women’s Reservation Bill, which reserves two-thirds of the seats for women in the Lower House of Parliament.

Historical Significance

The Summit of the Future is a significant milestone as the UN approaches its 80th anniversary in 2025. The outcome document, ‘A Pact for the Future,’ will include the Global Digital Compact and the Declaration on Future Generations.

Doubts Revealed

Prime Minister Narendra Modi -: He is the leader of India, like the head of the country, who makes important decisions for the nation.

Summit of the Future -: This is a big meeting where leaders from different countries come together to talk about important issues and plan for the future.

United Nations -: The United Nations, or UN, is a group of countries that work together to solve world problems like peace, health, and the environment.

Security Council -: This is a part of the United Nations that makes important decisions about keeping peace and security in the world.

Maria Fernanda Espinosa -: She is a person who has worked with the United Nations and talks about important changes needed to make the world better.

gender equality -: This means treating everyone the same, whether they are boys or girls, men or women.

climate change -: This is when the weather and temperatures on Earth change in ways that can be harmful, like getting too hot or too cold.

international financial systems -: These are the ways countries use money and trade with each other to help their economies grow.

80th anniversary -: This means the United Nations has been around for 80 years, working to make the world a better place.
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