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Prime Minister Modi Approves Rs 14,235 Crore Schemes to Help Farmers

Prime Minister Modi Approves Rs 14,235 Crore Schemes to Help Farmers

Prime Minister Modi Approves Rs 14,235 Crore Schemes to Help Farmers

The Union Cabinet, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has approved seven schemes to improve farmers’ lives and increase their incomes. The total budget for these schemes is Rs 14,235.30 crore.

Digital Agriculture Mission

The Digital Agriculture Mission, with a budget of Rs 2,817 crore, will use technology to help farmers. It includes components like the Agri Stack, Farmers Registry, Village Land Maps Registry, Crop Sown Registry, and Krishi Decision Support System. These tools will provide data on weather, soil, water availability, and crop yield.

Crop Science for Food and Nutritional Security

This initiative, with a budget of Rs 3,979 crore, aims to prepare farmers for climate resilience and ensure food security by 2047. It focuses on agricultural research, plant genetic resource management, and crop improvement.

Agricultural Education

With a budget of Rs 2,291 crore, this scheme aims to modernize agricultural education and research. It will use the latest technologies and align with the New Education Policy 2020.

Sustainable Livestock Health and Production

This scheme, with a budget of Rs 1,702 crore, aims to increase farmers’ income from livestock and dairy. It includes animal health management, dairy production, and animal nutrition.

Sustainable Development of Horticulture

With a budget of Rs 1,129.30 crore, this initiative aims to increase farmers’ income from horticulture plants. It covers various types of crops, including tropical, sub-tropical, and temperate horticulture crops.

Other Initiatives

Additional schemes include Strengthening of Krishi Vigyan Kendra with a budget of Rs 1,202 crore and Natural Resource Management with a budget of Rs 1,115 crore.

Doubts Revealed

Prime Minister Modi -: Prime Minister Modi is the leader of India. He makes important decisions for the country.

Rs 14,235 Crore -: Rs 14,235 Crore is a large amount of money in Indian currency, used to fund big projects.

Union Cabinet -: The Union Cabinet is a group of top leaders in the Indian government who help make important decisions.

Digital Agriculture Mission -: The Digital Agriculture Mission is a plan to use computers and technology to help farmers grow crops better.

Crop Science for Food and Nutritional Security -: This is a project to study plants and crops to make sure people have enough healthy food to eat.

Agricultural Education -: Agricultural Education teaches people about farming and how to grow crops and raise animals.

Sustainable Livestock Health -: Sustainable Livestock Health means keeping farm animals healthy in a way that can continue for a long time without harming the environment.

Sustainable Development of Horticulture -: This is about growing fruits, vegetables, and flowers in a way that is good for the environment and can last a long time.
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