President Biden Prepares US Military for Nuclear Threats from Russia, China, and North Korea

President Biden Prepares US Military for Nuclear Threats from Russia, China, and North Korea

President Biden Prepares US Military for Nuclear Threats from Russia, China, and North Korea

US President Joe Biden approved a document earlier this year directing the armed forces to prepare for possible nuclear confrontations with Russia, China, and North Korea. This revised strategy, called the ‘Nuclear Employment Guidance,’ was approved in March amid growing nuclear threats from these countries.

The confidential document is updated every four years and distributed to a few security officials and Pentagon commanders. During a forum hosted by the Arms Control Association in June, Pranay Vaddi, senior director for arms control, disarmament, and nonproliferation on the National Security Council, mentioned that Biden had issued the updated guidance.

Vaddi warned that Pyongyang, Beijing, and Moscow were rapidly expanding and diversifying their nuclear weapons stockpiles. He emphasized the need for the US to adjust its posture and capabilities to deter these growing threats. Vipin Narang, the former acting assistant Secretary of Defence for space policy, also noted the significant increase in the size and diversity of China’s nuclear arsenal.

In recent months, Russia and North Korea signed a ‘comprehensive strategic partnership’ treaty, and Russia and China reaffirmed their ‘no limits’ partnership. Washington has repeatedly criticized Beijing for supporting Russia’s military industrial base.

Doubts Revealed

President Biden -: Joe Biden is the current President of the United States. He is like the Prime Minister of India but for the USA.

US Military -: The US Military is the armed forces of the United States. They protect the country from threats and help in emergencies.

Nuclear Threats -: Nuclear threats are dangers from weapons that use nuclear reactions to cause massive explosions. These weapons can cause a lot of damage.

Russia -: Russia is a large country in Europe and Asia. It has a powerful military and many nuclear weapons.

China -: China is a big country in Asia. It is known for its large population and strong economy. It also has a powerful military.

North Korea -: North Korea is a small country in Asia. It has a strict government and is known for its nuclear weapons program.

Nuclear Employment Guidance -: Nuclear Employment Guidance is a plan that tells the US Military how to use nuclear weapons if needed. It is updated every four years.

Nuclear arsenals -: Nuclear arsenals are collections of nuclear weapons that a country has. Countries like Russia, China, and North Korea have many of these weapons.

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