Police Officer Constable Wali Identified as Key Facilitator in Peshawar Mosque Bombing

Police Officer Constable Wali Identified as Key Facilitator in Peshawar Mosque Bombing

Police Officer Constable Wali Identified as Key Facilitator in Peshawar Mosque Bombing

Authorities have identified the primary facilitator of the Peshawar Police Lines bombing as Constable Wali, a police officer. Wali, who has made two trips to Afghanistan, played a crucial role in supplying critical information to the suicide bomber for the attack.

According to reports, Constable Wali hails from the tribal district of Mohmand and has served in the Peshawar Police for the past seven years. Security officials revealed that he has been ideologically supportive of terrorism for several years. Investigators have also gathered information about his trips to Afghanistan.

Wali assisted the suicide bomber by granting him access to the target, allowing him to enter in uniform, and advising him on the necessary procedures. Wali’s family has been interrogated, and authorities have arrested two individuals from his home. Security sources indicated that Wali had previously served at various locations, including the Peshawar Police Lines.

His involvement was uncovered following the recent arrest of the mastermind behind the attack. Investigators apprehended Wali after questioning the mastermind. According to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa police, security officials, and sources in the Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD), the wanted terrorist and facilitator involved in the police lines mosque suicide bombing has been arrested in a joint operation.

The Peshawar mosque bombing occurred on January 30, 2023, during Friday prayers at a mosque in Peshawar, Pakistan. The suicide bomber detonated himself in the mosque – a heavily guarded police facility – around 1 PM during Zohr prayers, causing the roof to collapse on those inside. The attack resulted in significant casualties, with over 100 people killed and many others injured. It was one of the deadliest attacks in recent years, raising serious concerns about security and the ongoing violence from militant groups in the region.

Doubts Revealed

Constable -: A constable is a type of police officer. They help keep people safe and make sure everyone follows the law.

Facilitator -: A facilitator is someone who helps make something happen. In this case, Constable Wali helped the bomber carry out the attack.

Peshawar -: Peshawar is a city in Pakistan. It’s a place where many people live and work.

Mosque -: A mosque is a place where Muslims go to pray. It’s like a temple or church for people who follow Islam.

Bombing -: A bombing is when someone uses a bomb to cause damage and hurt people. It’s a very bad and dangerous thing to do.

Afghanistan -: Afghanistan is a country near Pakistan. It’s another place where people live and have their own culture and traditions.

Suicide bomber -: A suicide bomber is a person who uses a bomb to hurt others and also ends up hurting themselves. It’s a very sad and serious act.

Friday prayers -: Friday prayers are special prayers that Muslims do every Friday. It’s an important day for them to gather and pray together.

Interrogated -: Interrogated means asking someone a lot of questions to find out important information. The police do this to understand what happened.

Detained -: Detained means keeping someone in a place so they can’t leave. The police do this when they think someone might be involved in a crime.

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