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Philippines Demands China to Stop Dangerous Actions in South China Sea

Philippines Demands China to Stop Dangerous Actions in South China Sea

Philippines Demands China to Stop Dangerous Actions in South China Sea

The Philippines has urged China to cease all provocative and dangerous actions following an incident where a Chinese jet allegedly fired at a Philippine patrol aircraft over the South China Sea. The aircraft, belonging to the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), was conducting surveillance near Scarborough Shoal on August 19 when it faced harassment from a Chinese jet fighter.

The Philippines’s South China Sea Task Force stated that the Chinese jet, which was not provoked, deployed flares at a dangerously close distance, jeopardizing the safety of the personnel onboard. The task force emphasized that such actions undermine regional peace and security and damage China’s international image.

China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs mentioned countermeasures against Philippine military aircraft over Subi Reef on August 22 but did not comment on the August 19 event. The incidents occurred amid mutual accusations of ramming vessels and other dangerous actions in the South China Sea, one of the world’s busiest trade routes.

Despite a July agreement to manage maritime disputes and restore trust, tensions between the two nations have escalated. China claims sovereignty over almost the entire South China Sea, a claim contested by the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Brunei. An international tribunal in 2016 ruled that China’s claim has no basis under international law, awarding a landmark victory to the Philippines.

China has built seven artificial islands in the South China Sea, equipped with radar, runways, and surface-to-air missiles, and has expressed concerns over military deployments by the US and its allies in the region, labeling them a danger to regional security.

Doubts Revealed

Philippines -: The Philippines is a country in Southeast Asia made up of many islands. It is located in the western Pacific Ocean.

China -: China is a large country in East Asia. It has the most people of any country in the world.

South China Sea -: The South China Sea is a part of the Pacific Ocean near Southeast Asia. Many countries, including China and the Philippines, have disputes over who owns parts of it.

provocative actions -: Provocative actions are things done to make someone angry or upset. In this case, it means China did something to upset the Philippines.

patrol aircraft -: A patrol aircraft is a plane used by the military to watch over an area. It helps to keep the area safe and monitor activities.

poachers -: Poachers are people who illegally hunt or catch animals or fish. They do this without permission and often harm the environment.

Scarborough Shoal -: Scarborough Shoal is a group of small islands and reefs in the South China Sea. Both China and the Philippines claim it as their own.

harassed -: Harassed means to bother or attack someone repeatedly. In this case, a Chinese jet bothered the Philippine aircraft.

regional peace -: Regional peace means that countries in a certain area are not fighting and are living peacefully. It is important for safety and cooperation.

US, its military ally -: The US, or United States, is a country in North America. A military ally is a country that helps another country with its military. The US helps the Philippines with defense.

international tribunal -: An international tribunal is a special court that deals with disputes between countries. It makes decisions based on international law.

2016 ruling -: In 2016, an international tribunal decided that China’s claim to most of the South China Sea was not valid. This means China does not have the right to control the area.

tensions -: Tensions mean feelings of worry or anger between people or countries. High tensions mean that these feelings are very strong.

agreement to manage disputes -: An agreement to manage disputes is a deal between countries to handle their disagreements peacefully. It helps to avoid conflicts and fights.
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