Pashtun Tahafuz Movement Protests in Geneva Against Human Rights Violations in Pakistan

Pashtun Tahafuz Movement Protests in Geneva Against Human Rights Violations in Pakistan

Pashtun Tahafuz Movement Protests in Geneva Against Human Rights Violations in Pakistan

The Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM) Europe organized a major protest outside the UN office in Geneva during the 57th Session of the Human Rights Council. Activists highlighted ongoing human rights violations in Pakistan, focusing on issues such as enforced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, arbitrary detentions, and torture faced by the Pashtun community.

The protesters condemned the crackdown on PTM leaders, including Manzoor Pashteen and Ali Wazir. PTM Europe member Fazal ur Rehman Afridi stated, “In this protest, our main purpose is to condemn the atrocities that the Pakistani army and state are committing against the Pashtuns, Sindhis, Baloch, and Kashmiris. We want to protest against the ban imposed on Manzoor Pashteen and his 30 friends regarding their entry into Balochistan, as well as against the detention of Ali Wazir. Additionally, we condemn the extrajudicial killing of Gilaman Wazir.”

Gilaman Wazir, a prominent Afghan Pashto poet and senior member of the PTM, was attacked in Islamabad in July, reportedly under the orders of the Pakistan government. The ban on Manzoor Pashteen in Balochistan has drawn significant criticism regarding Pakistan’s handling of dissent and minority rights. Many argue that such bans reflect a broader strategy to suppress voices advocating for justice and accountability, particularly among marginalized communities.

Fazal also informed the international community about the upcoming Pashtun National Court or Jirga, scheduled for October 11, aimed at advocating for Pashtun rights and justice. He remarked, “In addition, we are organizing a Pashtun Jirga in support of this initiative. We want to convey to the world and inform the United Nations that Pashtuns are not happy in Pakistan. In this regard, the entire Pashtun community, transcending tribal lines, will formulate a strategy, express their opinions, and inform the world about their demands.”

Other activists at the protest raised their voices against Pakistan’s actions, highlighting the lack of respect for human rights and the oppressive treatment of marginalized communities. Mustafa Pashtun, another activist, expressed urgency about the difficult circumstances faced by the Pashtun community, stating, “We registered our protest here outside the UN office. We want to tell the whole world that Pashtuns are in a dire situation. We urge you to intervene and raise a voice for the rights of Pashtuns. Please help Pashtuns in the name of humanity–whether you are American, European, or Indian–we request all to please help us.”

Human rights activists have long accused the Pakistani government of targeting them through military operations and ethnic stereotyping. These issues often go unreported by local media, prompting activists to seek intervention on international platforms.

Doubts Revealed

Pashtun Tahafuz Movement -: The Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM) is a group that fights for the rights of the Pashtun people, who live mostly in Pakistan and Afghanistan. They want to stop unfair treatment and violence against their community.

Geneva -: Geneva is a city in Switzerland, a country in Europe. It is known for being a place where many important international meetings happen, like those of the United Nations.

Human Rights Violations -: Human rights violations are actions that harm people’s basic rights and freedoms. This can include things like unfair arrests, torture, or killing people without a fair trial.

UN office -: The UN office refers to the United Nations office. The United Nations is an organization where countries work together to solve global problems and promote peace.

57th Session of the Human Rights Council -: The 57th Session of the Human Rights Council is a meeting where countries discuss and try to solve issues related to human rights. The Human Rights Council is a part of the United Nations.

Enforced Disappearances -: Enforced disappearances happen when people are secretly taken away by the government or other groups, and their families don’t know where they are or what happened to them.

Extrajudicial Killings -: Extrajudicial killings are when people are killed by the government or other groups without a legal trial or any legal process.

Arbitrary Detentions -: Arbitrary detentions are when people are put in jail without a fair reason or without following the law.

Manzoor Pashteen -: Manzoor Pashteen is a leader of the Pashtun Tahafuz Movement. He speaks out against the unfair treatment of Pashtun people.

Ali Wazir -: Ali Wazir is another leader of the Pashtun Tahafuz Movement. He also fights for the rights of the Pashtun community.

International Intervention -: International intervention means that other countries or international organizations get involved to help solve a problem in a different country.

Pashtun Community -: The Pashtun community is a group of people who mostly live in Pakistan and Afghanistan. They have their own language and culture.

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