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Pakistani Forces Detain Young Baloch Women in Khuzdar Amid Peaceful Campaign

Pakistani Forces Detain Young Baloch Women in Khuzdar Amid Peaceful Campaign

Pakistani Forces Detain Young Baloch Women in Khuzdar

In Khuzdar, a district in Balochistan, Pakistan, several young Baloch women were detained by Pakistani forces during a peaceful pamphlet distribution campaign for the ‘Baloch Raaji Muchi’ (Baloch National Gathering). The detentions were carried out by Frontier Corps (FC) personnel and have sparked outrage among activists and rights groups.

Details of the Detentions

According to the Baloch Yakjehti Committee (BYC), the arrests occurred on Khand Road in Khuzdar city. Among those detained are Saira Baloch, the sister of forcibly disappeared individuals Asif and Rasheed, and Sadia Baloch, the sister of Salman. The detained women were reportedly distributing pamphlets promoting the Baloch National Gathering.

Reactions from Activists

Mahrang Baloch, a prominent Baloch activist, condemned the detentions in a post on ‘X’. She warned that if the detained women are not released immediately, the BYC will announce its next course of action. Local sources confirmed that the women are being transported in FC vehicles to an undisclosed location, leading to widespread protests in Khuzdar.

Human Rights Organizations’ Response

Human rights organizations and activists have condemned the actions of the Pakistani forces. The Human Rights Department of the Baloch National Movement (BNM), PAANK, denounced the detentions and called for the immediate release of the women. Baloch Voice for Justice also took to social media to denounce the state’s actions, labeling them as state terrorism.

Appeal for International Intervention

The BYC has urgently appealed to international human rights organizations to intervene and advocate for the immediate release of the detained women. This situation highlights a troubling trend of increased repression against Baloch activists and peaceful demonstrators in Balochistan.

Doubts Revealed

Pakistani Forces -: These are the military and police forces of Pakistan, a country that is India’s neighbor.

Baloch Women -: These are women from the Baloch community, an ethnic group living in the Balochistan region of Pakistan.

Khuzdar -: Khuzdar is a city in the Balochistan province of Pakistan.

Balochistan -: Balochistan is a large province in Pakistan, known for its unique culture and history.

Pamphlet Distribution Campaign -: This is an activity where people hand out small printed papers to share information or promote a cause.

Baloch Raaji Muchi -: This means ‘Baloch National Gathering,’ an event or movement for the Baloch community.

Frontier Corps -: A paramilitary force in Pakistan responsible for maintaining security, especially in border areas.

Activists -: People who work to bring about social or political change.

Mahrang Baloch -: A well-known person who speaks out for the rights of the Baloch people.

Human Rights Organizations -: Groups that work to protect people’s basic rights and freedoms.

Baloch Yakjehti Committee -: A group that works to unite and support the Baloch community.

International Intervention -: When countries or global organizations get involved to help solve a problem in another country.
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