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Pakistani Delegation Visits Jammu for Indus Water Treaty Discussions

Pakistani Delegation Visits Jammu for Indus Water Treaty Discussions

Pakistani Delegation Visits Jammu for Indus Water Treaty Discussions

A Pakistani delegation arrived in Jammu on Sunday evening to discuss matters related to the 1960 Indus Water Treaty (IWT). The delegation will visit various dam sites in the coming days.

Background of the Indus Water Treaty

The Indus Waters Treaty was signed in 1960 by then Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, and former President of Pakistan, Ayub Khan. The treaty establishes a framework for cooperation and information exchange between the two countries regarding the use of rivers. It also includes a mechanism for resolving questions, differences, and disputes that may arise.

The Permanent Indus Commission

The Permanent Indus Commission (PIC) is a bilateral commission of officials from India and Pakistan, created to implement and manage the goals of the Indus Waters Treaty. The commission includes Indus Commissioners from both countries and discusses technical matters related to the treaty’s implementation.

Current Disputes

India and Pakistan have ongoing disputes over two hydroelectric projects: the Kishanganga (330 megawatts) and Ratle (850 megawatts) plants. Pakistan claims that these projects violate the treaty’s provisions, while India maintains that their designs comply with the treaty’s guidelines.

Efforts to Resolve Disputes

In 2015, Pakistan requested a Neutral Expert to examine its technical objections to India’s hydroelectric projects. However, in 2016, Pakistan withdrew this request and proposed a Court of Arbitration instead. Despite India’s efforts to find a mutually agreeable solution, Pakistan has refused to discuss the issue during five meetings of the Permanent Indus Commission from 2017 to 2022.

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