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Pakistan Government Restricts Civil Servants from Speaking on Media and Social Media

Pakistan Government Restricts Civil Servants from Speaking on Media and Social Media

Pakistan Government Restricts Civil Servants from Speaking on Media and Social Media

The Pakistan government has recently issued a directive that prohibits civil servants from speaking on media and social media platforms without prior authorization. This directive was reported by Express News Pakistan and issued by the Establishment Division.

According to the office memorandum, government employees must obtain permission before making any statements on media platforms. They are also barred from disclosing official documents or information to unauthorized individuals, the public, or the media. The memorandum further states that government employees must not express opinions or disclose facts on media or social media that could harm the reputation of the Pakistani government. They are also prohibited from making comments against policy decisions or national sovereignty, and from making statements that might influence international relations.

Civil servants are expected to maintain neutrality and avoid participating in social media discussions. These restrictions have faced criticism from both domestic and international observers, raising concerns about potential infringements on freedom of speech, impacts on civil liberties, and broader implications for democratic engagement.

The Pakistani government has also advised monitoring social media platforms to remove any offensive content. Federal secretaries, additional secretaries, department heads, and chief secretaries are tasked with enforcing adherence to these guidelines by removing objectionable content.

Pakistan’s score of 30 out of 100 on the assessment report index reflects concerns that the government placed curbs on free speech, especially regarding discussions about the pandemic and related information. Recent instances have shown the government targeting specific social media accounts and news outlets, often coinciding with political tensions or attempts to control narratives around sensitive issues. Amendments to the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA) were introduced to address what the government terms ‘cybercrime,’ but critics argue that these amendments could be used to target dissent and suppress criticism.

Doubts Revealed

Pakistan Government -: The Pakistan Government is the group of people who run the country of Pakistan, making laws and decisions for the people living there.

Civil Servants -: Civil servants are people who work for the government in various departments, helping to run the country smoothly.

Media -: Media includes TV, newspapers, and radio where news and information are shared with the public.

Social Media -: Social media are online platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram where people can share information and communicate with each other.

Establishment Division -: The Establishment Division is a part of the Pakistan Government that deals with the rules and management of civil servants.

Directive -: A directive is an official order or instruction given by someone in authority.

Authorization -: Authorization means getting permission or approval to do something.

Official Documents -: Official documents are papers that contain important information and are used by the government.

Unauthorized Individuals -: Unauthorized individuals are people who do not have permission to access certain information or documents.

Freedom of Speech -: Freedom of speech is the right to say what you want without being stopped or punished by the government.

Civil Liberties -: Civil liberties are the basic rights and freedoms that all people should have, like freedom of speech and the right to privacy.

Federal Secretaries -: Federal secretaries are high-ranking officials in the government who help manage different departments and enforce rules.

Offensive Content -: Offensive content is information or material that can hurt or upset people.
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