Pahot Valley in Gilgit-Baltistan Faces Severe Shortages of Basic Facilities

Pahot Valley in Gilgit-Baltistan Faces Severe Shortages of Basic Facilities

Pahot Valley in Gilgit-Baltistan Faces Severe Shortages of Basic Facilities

Pahot Valley, located in the Pakistani-occupied Gilgit-Baltistan (PoGB), is facing severe shortages of essential services such as schools, roads, and electricity. Despite being a popular tourist destination, the valley struggles with inadequate infrastructure, including the absence of hospitals and unreliable electricity.

According to a recent report by Markhor Times, a local media outlet, residents have expressed their frustrations with the Pakistani government. One resident stated, “The government is doing nothing for our valley. We haven’t seen any officials here, and we haven’t received any assistance from the local government.”

Another resident added, “It has become very difficult for us to afford even one meal a day. They are even cutting down our forests. We don’t understand why this is happening. Nothing is being done for us, and when we speak out about deforestation, we are threatened with imprisonment by government officials. We fear retaliation. Look at our conditions: there is no dispensary, and the roads are in poor shape. The lack of proper roads creates numerous problems for us.”

The absence of proper roads has had dire consequences, including fatalities. Residents report that many people have died due to inadequate access to medical facilities. Another local echoed these concerns, saying, “We are living in very dire conditions, which has created numerous problems. Without proper roads, it is difficult to transport patients, and some have died on the way. We have lost our mother and sister. The government must urgently address this issue.”

The ongoing issues in the Gilgit-Baltistan region highlight broader concerns over infrastructure and basic services in the region, which has faced persistent difficulties since its disputed occupation by Pakistan. Persistent problems such as power outages, inadequate education, and high unemployment rates continue to provoke widespread discontent among the local population.

Doubts Revealed

Pahot Valley -: Pahot Valley is a place in the region of Gilgit-Baltistan, which is in the northern part of Pakistan. It’s known for its beautiful scenery and is a popular spot for tourists.

Gilgit-Baltistan -: Gilgit-Baltistan is a region in the northern part of Pakistan. It is known for its mountains and beautiful landscapes. However, it is also a disputed area, meaning different countries claim it as their own.

Basic facilities -: Basic facilities are things that people need to live comfortably, like schools, hospitals, roads, and electricity. Without these, life can be very difficult.

Pakistani-occupied -: Pakistani-occupied means that Pakistan controls the area, but there are disputes or disagreements about who the area really belongs to.

Tourist spot -: A tourist spot is a place where people like to visit for vacation or sightseeing because it is interesting or beautiful.

Infrastructure -: Infrastructure refers to the basic physical systems of a place, like roads, bridges, and power supplies. Good infrastructure is important for a place to function well.

Imprisonment -: Imprisonment means being put in jail or prison as a punishment for doing something that is against the law.

Fatalities -: Fatalities are deaths that happen because of accidents or other unfortunate events. In this context, it means people have died because the roads are not safe.

Disputed occupation -: Disputed occupation means that there is a disagreement or conflict over who should control or own a particular area. In this case, it refers to the region being controlled by Pakistan but also claimed by others.

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