Om Birla Re-elected as Speaker of 18th Lok Sabha, Calls for Dignified Discussions

Om Birla Re-elected as Speaker of 18th Lok Sabha, Calls for Dignified Discussions

Om Birla Re-elected as Speaker of 18th Lok Sabha

Om Birla has been re-elected as the Speaker of the 18th Lok Sabha. He urged all members to engage in dignified discussions, whether in agreement or disagreement. Birla emphasized the need for creative thinking and high parliamentary traditions in the 18th Lok Sabha.

Call for Dignified Discussions

Birla called for positive criticism of government policies and decisions, without pre-planned disruptions. He stressed the importance of courteous conduct and meaningful dialogue in Parliament.

Reflection on the Emergency of 1975

Birla criticized the Emergency imposed by then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi on June 25, 1975, describing it as a dark chapter in India’s history. He highlighted the suppression of democratic values and freedoms during that period.

Gratitude and Future Vision

Birla thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi, party leaders, and MPs for their support. He welcomed the 281 first-time MPs and expressed hope that they would uphold parliamentary traditions. Birla also praised the Election Commission for its fair conduct of the elections.

Commitment to Constitutional Values

Birla expressed confidence that the 18th Lok Sabha would uphold its commitment to preserving and protecting the Constitution. He highlighted the importance of the ‘Know Your Constitution’ campaign initiated under PM Modi’s guidance.

Election Process

Pro-tem Speaker Bhartruhari Mahtab conducted the election process. Prime Minister Narendra Modi moved the motion for Birla’s election, seconded by Defence Minister Raj Nath Singh. After voting, Om Birla was declared the Speaker of the 18th Lok Sabha. Leaders, including PM Modi and Rahul Gandhi, congratulated Birla on his re-election.

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