NSDC and SHRM India Team Up to Bridge Skill Gaps in India

NSDC and SHRM India Team Up to Bridge Skill Gaps in India

NSDC and SHRM India Team Up to Bridge Skill Gaps in India

New Delhi, September 27: In a groundbreaking initiative, India’s top Human Resources and Skill Development leaders gathered in Delhi to tackle the country’s job and talent crisis. The National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) and the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) India have joined forces to create pathways for future-ready skilling and employability.

Addressing Skill Gaps

According to NSDC, the collaboration aims to reskill and upskill the corporate and industrial workforce in response to technological advancements and the changing nature of work post-pandemic. Ved Mani Tiwari, CEO of NSDC, emphasized the importance of this initiative in line with the Prime Minister’s vision to make India’s workforce globally competitive.

Key Statements

Ved Mani Tiwari stated, “NSDC and SHRM are both purpose-driven organizations, and this collaboration is aimed at skilling India better. We want our employees to be proficient, and it is important to help reskill and upskill them in response to skill gaps.”

He added, “To transform India into a $5 trillion economy by 2025, we must accelerate the pace of skilling. Equipping our youth with the right skills is essential for growth and ensuring every Indian benefits from this demographic advantage.”

Sector-Specific Discussions

The event included presentations from senior leadership on NSDC’s business verticals and interactive focus group discussions aimed at identifying sector-specific skill gaps. Participants from diverse sectors such as IT, Telecom, Energy, and Automobile shared best practices for creating a future-ready workforce.

Current Skill Gap

NSDC’s study revealed a significant gap between the demand for skilling in India, estimated at 103 million workers, and the current supply of 74 million. This shortfall is due to the evolving profile of the Indian economy, with sectors like healthcare, semiconductor manufacturing, and AI requiring skilled talent.

About NSDC

NSDC is the principal architect of India’s skill ecosystem, working under the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship. It supports enterprises, start-ups, and organizations by offering funding, concessional loans, and strategic partnerships to enhance vocational training initiatives.

Doubts Revealed

NSDC -: NSDC stands for National Skill Development Corporation. It is an organization in India that helps people learn new skills to get better jobs.

SHRM India -: SHRM India is the Indian branch of the Society for Human Resource Management. It helps companies manage their employees better.

Skill Gaps -: Skill gaps are the differences between the skills people have and the skills they need for jobs. This means people might need to learn new things to get good jobs.

Reskill -: Reskill means learning new skills to do a different job. For example, if someone was a farmer and learned to be a computer programmer, they reskilled.

Upskill -: Upskill means learning more advanced skills for the same job. For example, a teacher learning to use new technology in the classroom is upskilling.

Technological advancements -: Technological advancements are new and better ways of doing things using technology. For example, using smartphones and computers to do work.

Post-pandemic -: Post-pandemic means the time after the COVID-19 pandemic. It refers to how things have changed after the virus spread around the world.

Globally competitive -: Globally competitive means being able to do well compared to people from other countries. It means having skills that are good enough to get jobs anywhere in the world.

Ved Mani Tiwari -: Ved Mani Tiwari is the CEO of NSDC. A CEO is the person who is in charge of running a company or organization.

$5 trillion economy -: A $5 trillion economy means the total value of all goods and services produced in India would be worth 5 trillion US dollars. It is a big goal for the country’s growth.

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