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Norwegian Leader Ine Eriksen Soreide Highlights Strong India-Norway Ties and Future Collaborations

Norwegian Leader Ine Eriksen Soreide Highlights Strong India-Norway Ties and Future Collaborations

Norwegian Leader Ine Eriksen Soreide Highlights Strong India-Norway Ties and Future Collaborations

New Delhi, India – Norwegian leader Ine Eriksen Soreide has praised the strong relationship between India and Norway, emphasizing the potential for further collaboration in areas like climate change, green transition, and ocean management. Soreide, who leads the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence of the Parliament of Norway, also commended the trade deal between India and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) nations, which she believes will deepen ties between New Delhi and Oslo.

During her visit, Soreide mentioned, “We are here as the members of the Foreign Affairs and Defence committee and we have been having meetings both in ministries and in Parliament…We have been discussing everything from geopolitics to regional issues and the growing collaboration between India and Norway.”

Reflecting on her tenure as the foreign and defence minister of Norway, Soreide noted the significant potential in India-Norway relations. She highlighted the recent Free Trade Agreement between India and EFTA, which includes Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland. This agreement aims to increase foreign direct investments in India by USD 100 billion over the next 15 years and create 1 million direct jobs in India.

Soreide added, “Many Norwegian companies are interested in investing in India…There is huge potential between the two countries…We have been talking about research collaboration on climate change, which is very important globally…We have joint interests in areas such as climate change, technology, green transition and ocean management.”

She also expressed excitement about the upcoming India-Nordic summit in Oslo, which she believes will further boost collaboration between the two nations. “We are very excited about it and we hope that it can take place soon. It will give a huge boost to our collaboration. We are hoping and expecting high-level visits both ways, and we have also been advocating the necessity and the interest on our side to host Indian delegations in Norway,” Soreide said.

Doubts Revealed

Norwegian Leader -: A Norwegian leader is a person who is in charge of making important decisions in Norway, a country in Europe.

Ine Eriksen Soreide -: Ine Eriksen Soreide is a politician from Norway who works on making good relationships with other countries.

India-Norway Ties -: India-Norway ties refer to the friendly and cooperative relationship between India and Norway.

Climate Change -: Climate change means the change in the world’s weather patterns, which can cause problems like more storms and hotter temperatures.

Green Transition -: Green transition is the process of changing to using more environmentally friendly and sustainable ways of living and working.

Ocean Management -: Ocean management involves taking care of the oceans to keep them clean and healthy for all the creatures living in them.

Free Trade Agreement -: A Free Trade Agreement is a deal between countries to trade goods and services with fewer restrictions and taxes.

European Free Trade Association (EFTA) -: The European Free Trade Association (EFTA) is a group of countries in Europe that work together to make trading easier among them.

USD 100 billion -: USD 100 billion is a very large amount of money, where USD stands for United States Dollars.

1 million jobs -: 1 million jobs means creating work opportunities for 10 lakh people.

India-Nordic summit -: The India-Nordic summit is a meeting where leaders from India and Nordic countries (like Norway) discuss important issues and ways to work together.

Oslo -: Oslo is the capital city of Norway.

Bilateral ties -: Bilateral ties are the relationships and cooperation between two countries.
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