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New Drug Combo May Help Treat Brain Tumors: Study by University of Plymouth

New Drug Combo May Help Treat Brain Tumors: Study by University of Plymouth

New Drug Combo May Help Treat Brain Tumors: Study by University of Plymouth

Researchers at the University of Plymouth’s Brain Tumour Research Centre of Excellence have discovered that medications used for blood cancers can enhance the effectiveness of radiation therapy for low-grade brain tumors in adults.

Understanding Meningiomas

About 36% of initial brain tumors are meningiomas. While most can be treated with surgery, some require radiotherapy, which can cause serious side effects and radiation damage to the brain. Treatment resistance can also lead to tumor growth.

New Findings

The study, led by Dr. Juri Na and Professor Oliver Hanemann, found that radiation-induced damage increases the production of the enzyme Histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6), which contributes to tumor growth. However, administering the HDAC6 inhibitor Cay10603 before radiotherapy inhibited cellular growth and increased cell death in meningioma samples.

Potential Benefits

Dr. Na explained that Cay10603, when used with radiotherapy, reduces tumor cell growth and increases cell death, allowing for lower doses of radiation and fewer side effects. Professor Hanemann noted that while Cay10603 is not yet licensed in the UK, this development is promising for meningioma patients.

Support and Future Research

Brain Tumour Research funds sustainable research and campaigns for increased investment in brain tumor research. Dr. Karen Noble emphasized the importance of funding early-stage research to find new treatments. Katie Everett, a meningioma patient, expressed hope that this development will help others in the future.

Doubts Revealed

University of Plymouth -: The University of Plymouth is a school in the UK where people go to learn and do research. It’s like a big college.

Brain Tumour Research Centre of Excellence -: This is a special place at the University of Plymouth where scientists study brain tumors to find better ways to treat them.

Cay10603 -: Cay10603 is a type of medicine that scientists are testing to see if it can help treat brain tumors.

radiotherapy -: Radiotherapy is a treatment that uses strong rays, like X-rays, to kill cancer cells in the body.

low-grade brain tumors -: Low-grade brain tumors are a type of brain cancer that grows slowly and is less aggressive than other types.

Dr. Juri Na -: Dr. Juri Na is one of the scientists who led the study on the new drug combo for treating brain tumors.

Professor Oliver Hanemann -: Professor Oliver Hanemann is another scientist who worked on the study. He is an expert in brain tumors.

tumor growth -: Tumor growth means how fast or slow a tumor gets bigger in the body.

cell death -: Cell death is when cells in the body stop working and die, which can help get rid of cancer cells.

side effects -: Side effects are unwanted problems that can happen when you take medicine, like feeling sick or tired.

meningiomas -: Meningiomas are a common type of brain tumor that grows on the surface of the brain.
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