New Blood Test for Cancer Detection Developed by University of Zurich

New Blood Test for Cancer Detection Developed by University of Zurich

New Blood Test for Cancer Detection Developed by University of Zurich

Researchers at the University of Zurich (UZH) and University Hospital Zurich (USZ) have developed an improved technique for detecting and monitoring cancer using blood samples. This method, known as a liquid biopsy, sequences and analyzes DNA fragments circulating in the blood of patients.

Advantages of the New Method

According to Zsolt Balazs, co-first author of the study at UZH, this method can be used for risk assessments, treatment monitoring, and early detection of cancer recurrence for all types of tumors. Since it is based on blood samples, it is less invasive than traditional tissue biopsies and more practical for day-to-day hospital operations.

How It Works

The researchers analyzed gene fragments in the blood for changes in DNA that are characteristic of specific types of cancer. This method can help oncologists determine tumor activity and spread more accurately, allowing for tailored therapies for individual patients.

Testing and Results

Co-first author Panagiotis Balermpas, a professor at USZ, stated that the liquid biopsy technique could discriminate between less and more aggressive metastatic cancer earlier than imaging technology. The method was tested on patients undergoing radiotherapy, including those with HPV-related cancers. Higher concentrations of HPV DNA in the blood were found to be an early indication of cancer recurrence.


Balermpas emphasized the importance of individualized treatment to improve patients’ quality of life. The new liquid biopsy technique offers a promising tool for oncologists to monitor and treat cancer more effectively.




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