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MCD’s Anti-Encroachment Drive in Mangolpuri Faces Protests

MCD’s Anti-Encroachment Drive in Mangolpuri Faces Protests

MCD’s Anti-Encroachment Drive in Mangolpuri Faces Protests

The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) conducted a joint anti-encroachment drive at Municipal Park in Y Block, Mangolpuri, Kanjhwala Road on Tuesday. This initiative is part of the MCD’s ongoing efforts to address unauthorized religious encroachments and maintain public spaces.

With the support of five police companies, the MCD began demolishing the illegally extended boundary wall. The operation successfully removed 20 meters of the unauthorized structure. However, a large mob gathered, forming a human chain to block the entry of JCBs into the area. Female protesters sitting on the unauthorized structure further complicated the situation.

Despite their efforts, the authorities could not safely disperse the crowd. The police advised the MCD to temporarily halt the operation to maintain peace and order. A status report has been filed with the High Court of Delhi, and the MCD is rescheduling the encroachment removal program.

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