Man Arrested in Gwalior for Jostling with Traffic Policeman During Vehicle Check

Man Arrested in Gwalior for Jostling with Traffic Policeman During Vehicle Check

Man Arrested in Gwalior for Jostling with Traffic Policeman During Vehicle Check

A man was arrested in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, for allegedly jostling with a traffic policeman during a routine vehicle check. The incident took place on Monday evening under the jurisdiction of Padav police station.

Incident Details

City Superintendent of Police (CSP) Kiran explained that the driver did not stop when initially flagged down and drove away at high speed. A blockade was set up, and the vehicle was eventually stopped. The driver was arrested after jostling with the policeman.

Legal Actions

An FIR was registered against the driver for obstruction in government work and negligent driving. The police are also conducting a medical examination of the policeman to determine if additional charges are necessary.

Police Safety Measures

CSP Kiran mentioned that proper barricading is done during vehicle checks to prevent high-speed escapes. At night, police use radium jackets, lighting, and button lights to ensure visibility from a distance.

Reports indicate that the driver was initially stopped for having a black film on his car windows, which led to the altercation with the traffic policeman.

Doubts Revealed

Gwalior -: Gwalior is a city in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. It is known for its historical places and monuments.

Traffic Policeman -: A traffic policeman is a police officer who controls and manages traffic on the roads to ensure safety and smooth flow of vehicles.

Vehicle Check -: A vehicle check is when police stop vehicles to make sure they are following the rules, like having proper documents and not breaking any laws.

Jurisdiction -: Jurisdiction means the area or range of authority that a particular police station or officer has. In this case, it is the area that Padav police station covers.

Padav Police Station -: Padav Police Station is a specific police station in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. It is responsible for maintaining law and order in its area.

FIR -: FIR stands for First Information Report. It is a document that the police create when someone reports a crime. It starts the legal process.

Obstruction in Government Work -: This means stopping or interfering with the work that government officials, like police officers, are supposed to do.

Negligent Driving -: Negligent driving means driving carelessly or without paying attention, which can be dangerous and cause accidents.

Medical Examination -: A medical examination is when a doctor checks someone’s health. In this case, the policeman is being checked to see if he was hurt during the incident.

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