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Mahrang Baloch Demands End to Enforced Disappearances in Balochistan

Mahrang Baloch Demands End to Enforced Disappearances in Balochistan

Mahrang Baloch Demands End to Enforced Disappearances in Balochistan

Baloch rights activist Mahrang Baloch. (Photo/@BalochYakjehtiC)

Baloch rights activist Mahrang Baloch stated that peace talks with Pakistan can only happen if the state stops the policy of ‘enforced disappearances.’ She spoke at a protest rally organized by the families of two missing Baloch journalists, Asif and Rasheed Baloch, on the sixth anniversary of their disappearance.

Mahrang Baloch emphasized the need to end enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings of oppressed people. The rally also saw participation from families of other missing Baloch individuals.

She highlighted the worsening human rights situation in Balochistan, where authorities do not allow peaceful protests against disappearances and killings. Mahrang Baloch demanded the release of Asif and Rasheed and shared pictures of a woman holding photos of her brothers, allegedly detained by Pakistani forces.

In a separate post, Mahrang Baloch urged human rights organizations to notice the disappearance of Baloch poet Nadeem Bewas, who was allegedly taken from Nasirabad, Balochistan, on August 26, 2024.

She appreciated the United Nations’ stance on forced disappearances in Balochistan. The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination called on Pakistan to investigate and prosecute reports of enforced disappearances involving politicians, public officials, human rights campaigners, and leaders of ethnic and ethnoreligious groups.

Enforced disappearances in Balochistan are a significant issue, with many activists and human rights groups criticizing them as collective punishment that causes distress to families.

Doubts Revealed

Mahrang Baloch -: Mahrang Baloch is a person who works to protect the rights of people in Balochistan, a region in Pakistan.

Enforced Disappearances -: Enforced disappearances happen when people are taken away secretly by the government or other groups, and their families don’t know where they are.

Balochistan -: Balochistan is a large region in Pakistan where some people feel they are not treated fairly by the government.

Protest Rally -: A protest rally is when people gather together to show they are unhappy about something and want it to change.

Extrajudicial Killings -: Extrajudicial killings are when people are killed by the government or other groups without a fair trial.

Human Rights Organizations -: Human rights organizations are groups that work to make sure everyone is treated fairly and has their basic rights respected.

UN -: The UN, or United Nations, is a group of countries that work together to solve big problems around the world and help people live better lives.
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