Mahrang Baloch Calls for Unity at Baloch National Gathering in Gwadar

Mahrang Baloch Calls for Unity at Baloch National Gathering in Gwadar

Mahrang Baloch Calls for Unity at Baloch National Gathering in Gwadar

Activist Mahrang Baloch. (Photo//X@Mahrang Baloch)

Gwadar [Pakistan], July 23: Baloch rights activist Mahrang Baloch has called on the Baloch community to unite and show their solidarity at the upcoming Baloch Raji Muchi (Baloch National Gathering) on July 28 in Gwadar. Using social media platform X, Mahrang Baloch highlighted the severe hardships faced by thousands of Baloch youth and elders, who have endured years of mental and physical torture in Pakistani military detention.

She stated, “For the past 25 years, thousands of our beloved Baloch youths and elders have been living in the torture cells of the Pakistani military, suffering from mental and physical torture in extreme heat and cold, and living as living corpses in the struggle of life and death. With the hope that there will be someone grieving who will raise a voice for us. Can we not one day unite in the sweet and glorious warm breezes of Gwadar and raise an effective and stormy voice for our loved ones?”

Emphasising the significance of the Baloch National Gathering, Mahrang Baloch remarked that the event is more than a political process; it is an agonising expression of Balochism and human suffering. She questioned the ongoing silence and inaction of the Baloch people, asking if they would continue to see and suffer the tears and sobs of their mothers and sisters and then bow their heads and say that they are a living nation. The rights activist warned that this silence, fear, and cowardice would be a black spot on their foreheads.

Mahrang Baloch further stressed that the Baloch Raji Muchi is not merely a political event but a heartfelt outcry against the suffering endured by the Baloch people. She asserted that for years, the state has been committing genocide against the Baloch nation through various conspiracies and methods and that the state has now formally decided to intensify and expand this genocide. She warned of the dire consequences of continued silence, stating that if they continue to remain silent, in the near future, the Baloch nation would cease to exist.

Concluding her appeal, Mahrang Baloch urged the Baloch people to transcend political differences and unite as one. She called on them to realise their national responsibilities on July 28 at Gwadar Baloch Raji Muchi, participate, and play their part in uniting the Baloch nation.

Doubts Revealed

Mahrang Baloch -: Mahrang Baloch is a person who works to protect the rights of the Baloch people. She speaks out about the problems they face and tries to help them.

Baloch -: Baloch refers to a group of people who live mainly in the Balochistan region, which is in Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan. They have their own language and culture.

Baloch Raji Muchi -: Baloch Raji Muchi means Baloch National Gathering. It is a big meeting where Baloch people come together to talk about their issues and find ways to solve them.

Gwadar -: Gwadar is a city in Pakistan, located in the Balochistan region. It is known for its port and is an important place for trade.

Pakistani military detention -: Pakistani military detention means being held by the Pakistani army. Some Baloch people are kept in detention because of conflicts with the government.

extinction -: Extinction means that something completely disappears. Mahrang Baloch is worried that if the Baloch people do not unite, their culture and identity might disappear.

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