Maharang Baloch Warns Pakistan Ahead of Baloch National Gathering on July 28

Maharang Baloch Warns Pakistan Ahead of Baloch National Gathering on July 28

Maharang Baloch Warns Pakistan Ahead of Baloch National Gathering on July 28

Gwadar, Pakistan – July 21: Baloch rights activist Maharang Baloch has issued a warning to Pakistan ahead of the Baloch National Gathering scheduled for July 28. She stated that if the state uses force to suppress the peaceful protests of the Baloch people, it will be unable to control the resulting backlash.

In a statement on X, Maharang Baloch said, “If the state tries to use force to stop this peaceful public flood, then it will be impossible to control this public flood, and then the consequences will be that which is not even in the imagination of the state.”

She urged the Baloch people to come together and prove their unity to the world on July 28. Maharang Baloch emphasized that this day is an opportunity for the Baloch nation to show its strength and civilisation to the world.

“I appeal to the Baloch nation once again that if you want to save the Baloch nation, if you want to present proof of a united nation to the world, then July 28 is the day to prove Baloch as a united and civilised nation,” she said.

She also called on other countries to pressure Pakistan to refrain from sabotaging their peaceful and legal struggle for human rights. “We want to tell the entire civilised world to give the State of Pakistan a hard rein and give up its intentions and ambitions to sabotage our own peaceful, legal and human rights struggle on our own soil and to obstruct reconciliation. Never try,” Maharang Baloch said.

She reiterated their commitment to peaceful protests, stating, “We were peaceful, we are peaceful and we will remain peaceful. National knowledge, awareness and consciousness are our first priorities. Baloch National Unity Caravan is today a responsible organisation for the entire Baloch nation and understands and fulfils its national responsibilities well.”

Doubts Revealed

Maharang Baloch -: Maharang Baloch is a person who speaks up for the rights of the Baloch people. She wants to make sure that their voices are heard and that they are treated fairly.

Pakistan -: Pakistan is a country in South Asia, next to India. It has many different groups of people, including the Baloch.

Baloch -: The Baloch are a group of people who live in a region called Balochistan, which is partly in Pakistan. They have their own culture and language.

Baloch National Gathering -: The Baloch National Gathering is a big meeting where Baloch people come together to talk about their rights and how to make their lives better.

peaceful protests -: Peaceful protests are when people gather to show they are unhappy about something, but they do it without fighting or causing harm.

human rights -: Human rights are basic rights and freedoms that every person should have, like being treated fairly and having the freedom to speak.

pressure Pakistan -: To pressure Pakistan means to ask other countries to tell Pakistan to be fair and listen to the Baloch people.

national knowledge and awareness -: National knowledge and awareness means understanding and knowing about your own country and its issues, so you can make better decisions and help improve things.

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