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Madhya Pradesh Police Rescue Six Tribal Girls from New Delhi

Madhya Pradesh Police Rescue Six Tribal Girls from New Delhi

Madhya Pradesh Police Rescue Six Tribal Girls from New Delhi

In a significant achievement, the police in Dindori district, Madhya Pradesh, have rescued six young tribal girls from New Delhi. These girls were forced into domestic work and had trouble returning home.

How It Started

The situation came to light when a family member of one of the girls reported her missing. The police began investigating and discovered the girl’s last known location was in New Delhi.

The Rescue Operation

Additional Superintendent of Police (ASP) Jagannath Singh Markarm explained that a team was formed to investigate the case. The team, along with an NGO called Jan Sahas, went to New Delhi and rescued the girl. They also found out about five other girls in similar situations.

Successful Return

With the help of the cyber cell, the team successfully rescued all six girls. One girl was from Mandla district, and the others were from Dindori district. All the girls have been safely returned to their families.

Doubts Revealed

Madhya Pradesh -: Madhya Pradesh is a state in central India. It is known for its rich history and cultural heritage.

Police -: Police are people who work to keep everyone safe and make sure laws are followed. They help catch bad people and solve problems.

Tribal -: Tribal refers to groups of people who have their own unique cultures, languages, and traditions. In India, there are many different tribal communities.

New Delhi -: New Delhi is the capital city of India. It is a big city where many important government buildings are located.

Domestic work -: Domestic work means doing household chores like cleaning, cooking, and taking care of children. Sometimes, people are forced to do this work without being paid or treated well.

Missing complaint -: A missing complaint is when someone tells the police that a person is lost or cannot be found. The police then try to find the missing person.

Additional Superintendent of Police -: An Additional Superintendent of Police is a high-ranking officer in the police department. They help lead and manage police activities.

NGO -: NGO stands for Non-Governmental Organization. These are groups that work to help people and solve problems without being part of the government.

Jan Sahas -: Jan Sahas is an NGO in India that works to help people who are in difficult situations, like those who are forced to work without being paid.
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