Madhya Pradesh CM Mohan Yadav Announces New Road Safety System, Abolishes Transport Check Posts

Madhya Pradesh CM Mohan Yadav Announces New Road Safety System, Abolishes Transport Check Posts

Madhya Pradesh CM Mohan Yadav Announces New Road Safety System

The government of Madhya Pradesh has abolished transport check posts at interstate borders starting today. Instead, new road safety and enforcement checking points will be established. In the first phase, 45 checking points will be set up across the state.

Until these new points are ready, mobile units will be formed under temporary arrangements. These units will include staff from the district transport office, enforcement staff, and home guards.

Meeting with Officials

On Sunday, Chief Minister Mohan Yadav held a video conference meeting with officials at CM House. He directed administrative and police officers to cooperate with the Transport Department in implementing the new system.

CM Yadav stated, “Measures have been initiated to eliminate existing irregularities and establish a transparent framework at transport check posts crucial for interstate vehicle movements, in collaboration with relevant district administrations from July 1, 2024. Madhya Pradesh is known for good governance. Strict action will be taken by the state government if complaints are received regarding the transport system.”

New Arrangements

Flying squads will now operate in the border districts under the new arrangement. CM Yadav assured that operators of outside vehicles will not face any issues and that the new transparent system will be beneficial for everyone.

He also directed the Transport Department to organize camps in colleges to help students obtain driving licenses. Additionally, he emphasized the importance of following timetables for passenger buses and checking school buses. Improving rural transport services was also highlighted.

Industry Response

The All India Motor Transport Congress (AIMTC) welcomed the decision to abolish transport check posts. They stated, “We are thrilled to announce that, effective from July 1, 2024, check posts in the state of Madhya Pradesh have been abolished. This is a monumental step towards easing road transport operations and reducing delays for our industry.”

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