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Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla Inaugurates 21st CPA Zone III Conference in Mizoram

Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla Inaugurates 21st CPA Zone III Conference in Mizoram

Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla Inaugurates 21st CPA Zone III Conference in Mizoram

On Friday, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla inaugurated the 21st CPA Zone III Conference at the Mizoram Legislative Assembly Complex in Aizawl. He emphasized the importance of transparency and accountability in legislative institutions, advocating for the use of digital tools to enhance public participation in democratic processes.

Importance of Public Participation

Birla highlighted that increasing public participation leads to more responsive and accountable governance. He encouraged elected representatives to engage in meaningful dialogue with their constituents to understand their challenges and aspirations.

Role of Legislative Bodies

Birla stressed that legislative bodies should be centers of discussion and debate, valuing both agreement and disagreement. He noted that strong democracies are built on consensus and dissent, and constructive criticism is essential for making effective policies and laws.

Development in Northeastern States

Birla praised the significant strides made by the northeastern states of India under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He acknowledged the infrastructural advancements that have transformed the region into hubs of connectivity and growth. He mentioned ongoing projects like railway track construction in Mizoram and improvements in road and air connectivity.

Economic Potential of the Northeast

Birla highlighted the potential of the northeastern states in sectors like agriculture, handicrafts, handlooms, and tourism. He expressed optimism that these strengths would attract global investments and create employment opportunities for the youth.

CPA Conference’s Role

Birla expressed his belief that forums like the CPA conference play a crucial role in sharing best practices and innovations, helping states achieve economic and social transformation. The conference aims to advance sustainable development and prosperity for all.

Speeches by Other Leaders

Mizoram Chief Minister Lalduhoma and Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman Harivansh also addressed the conference. Lalduhoma emphasized the importance of legislative sanctity, while Harivansh highlighted the economic potential of the northeastern region and the need for comprehensive development strategies.

About the CPA

The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) is an international community of Commonwealth Parliaments and Legislatures. Established in 1911, it aims to strengthen democratic governance and the parliamentary system. The CPA provides a platform for MPs and parliamentary staff to collaborate and share good practices.

Doubts Revealed

Lok Sabha -: Lok Sabha is the lower house of India’s Parliament where elected representatives make laws and discuss important issues.

Om Birla -: Om Birla is the Speaker of the Lok Sabha, which means he is in charge of running the meetings in the Lok Sabha.

CPA Zone III Conference -: CPA stands for Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. Zone III is a specific region within this association, and the conference is a meeting where members discuss important topics.

Mizoram -: Mizoram is a state in the northeastern part of India, known for its beautiful hills and forests.

transparency -: Transparency means being open and clear about what is happening, so everyone can see and understand it.

accountability -: Accountability means being responsible for your actions and being able to explain them to others.

digital tools -: Digital tools are things like computers, smartphones, and the internet that help people do tasks more easily and quickly.

northeastern states -: Northeastern states are the states in the northeastern part of India, like Assam, Manipur, and Mizoram.

economic potential -: Economic potential means the ability of a place to grow and become richer by using its resources well.

Lalduhoma -: Lalduhoma is the Chief Minister of Mizoram, which means he is the head of the government in that state.

Rajya Sabha -: Rajya Sabha is the upper house of India’s Parliament where members discuss and review laws.

Harivansh -: Harivansh is the Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha, which means he helps run the meetings in the Rajya Sabha.

legislative sanctity -: Legislative sanctity means keeping the law-making process pure and respected.

regional development -: Regional development means improving the economy and living conditions in a specific area.

sustainable development -: Sustainable development means growing in a way that doesn’t harm the environment and can be continued for a long time.
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