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Local Leader Kharanj Sardar Aman Calls for Removal of Security Forces in Pakistan-Occupied Jammu and Kashmir

Local Leader Kharanj Sardar Aman Calls for Removal of Security Forces in Pakistan-Occupied Jammu and Kashmir

Local Leader Kharanj Sardar Aman Calls for Removal of Security Forces in Pakistan-Occupied Jammu and Kashmir

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Muzzaffrabad [PoJK], August 28: Kharanj Sardar Aman, a local leader in Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK), has raised concerns about the deployment of security forces in the region. Speaking at a recent public gathering, Aman urged the administration to withdraw all security forces from PoJK, stating that the general public should not feel imprisoned.

Aman said, “We are not subjects of a king that need to be surveyed, counted and caged. We don’t appreciate such actions by the government. We just want to live carefree and we just demand that all restrictions from the Pakistani administration be removed. All security forces must be revoked by the administration.”

He also called on international human rights organizations to intervene, claiming that the local regime in PoJK is powerless and merely acts as puppets of the Pakistani administration and army. Aman condemned the use of force to suppress peaceful demonstrations and the filing of fake FIRs against activists.

Residents of PoJK have long faced oppression and a lack of infrastructural development. Local councillor Jahangir Mughal highlighted the dire state of basic amenities, such as safe drinking water. Mughal shared an instance where a local councillor from Tarkhabad reported a three-day water shortage with no response from authorities.

Mughal criticized the local administration for its lack of commitment to addressing these issues, stating, “Governments form, they do some work in the initial one or two years, then they focus on lobbying for the next government and preparing for the next election, leaving projects stalled.”

Doubts Revealed

Kharanj Sardar Aman -: Kharanj Sardar Aman is a local leader in Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK). He is someone who speaks up for the people living in that area.

Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK) -: Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK) is a region that is claimed by both India and Pakistan. It is currently controlled by Pakistan.

Security forces -: Security forces are groups of people like the army or police who are responsible for maintaining order and safety. In this context, they are from Pakistan and are stationed in PoJK.

International human rights organizations -: International human rights organizations are groups that work globally to ensure that people are treated fairly and their rights are protected. Examples include Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.

Local regime -: The local regime refers to the local government or administration in PoJK. In this case, it is said to be controlled by Pakistan’s government and army.

Jahangir Mughal -: Jahangir Mughal is a local councillor in PoJK. A councillor is someone who is elected to help make decisions and solve problems in a local area.

Basic amenities and infrastructure -: Basic amenities and infrastructure include things like clean water, electricity, roads, and schools. These are essential for people to live comfortably and safely.
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